Day 3 - Morning

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You wake up in a tangle of limbs and he must be stirring as well as his foot runs up and down your leg as if to make sure you're still there. There's no one knocking at the door this morning but he has to be back at the hotel for eight so you both set alarms. You've surprisingly woken up before yours.

"Morning." He mumbles as he turns to face you, eyes still closed but a smile on his face.

The sun leaks through the corners of the blind that's pulled over the skylight and it's enough to help you study him. His stubble shadows his mouth and neck, neatly trimmed at the edges. You can just make out the cleft in his chin beneath the hair.

Long eyelashes blend in with the shadows on his cheeks as he nudges closer to you, but they frame bright blue eyes when he opens them to look at you.

"You've got to get up." You say as he throws a leg over yours and an arm across your chest.

"My alarm hasn't gone off yet." He says and you feel him smile against your arm as he pulls you closer. "What are you gonna do while I'm out?"

"Sleep some more." You joke, knowing you have to organise some of your books ready for the course and finish a few chapters before it officially starts next week.

"Mean." He moans, rolling away from you now as he stretches.

"The sooner you go the sooner I can show you around."

"True, very true."

"What have you got on this morning?"

"Interviews. Plenty of them." He said sitting up and you study his back before tracing his spine with your finger.

"That sounds like fun." You're being serious but he looks over his shoulder to check your expression.

"They are." He confirms. "But I'd rather go to the zoo."

"Who said anything about the zoo?" You smile.

He throws the quilt over his shoulders as he turns to face you, using his arms to pull his body up yours. He's warm. The covers cling to him before he uses them to create a cocoon with you, blocking out any hint of light.

Sebastian showers your face with kisses before slowing down when he reaches your mouth. He runs his hand through your hair as you both savour each other's lips, tongues touching every so often as you trace his mouth.

Just before it gets anywhere, your alarms go off at the same time. Alerting you both that it's time to start the day.

"Wah. If I ignore it, it'll go away." He moaned, burying his face into your neck.

"Seb, it won't." You say, trying to heave him off you.

"It will. Don't listen to it."

"You're going to make me do it aren't you?" You ask, hands ghosting along his sides.


You tickle him and force a squeal you've never heard a grown man make before and it has you laughing out loud as he throws the quilt away from his body and pulls away from you.

"Now, Y/N, I don't know if you've properly thought this through, but I'm on top of you..." He's straddling you now, fingers crawling towards your armpits.

"Don't you dare." You warn, trying to squirm away but his legs are clamped tight. "Seb, please. Don't..." Your eyes are stern as he smiles.

"Incy... wincy..."

"Sebastian, I swear to you..."

He tickles you and you almost throw him off your body in response. 

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