Day 5

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You'd slept at the hotel again after picking up some clothes from your house. Chloe provided a sarcastic commentary as you made your way up the stairs. Sebastian had stayed in the car outside as the journey home had been a little quiet. You weren't sure if it was because you were both tired from the sea air, or if he knew you'd heard something from his call. You'd stared out the window for most of the drive, watching the lights of local villages pass as you made your way home along the coast. 

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." Sebastian had said as you reached your street. 

"I want to." You smiled. Because you did. You were enjoying his company. "I can stay here though, I don't mind." 


"Which one are you saying okay to?" 

"Okay, come and stay with me." He smiled, not as big as his others had been.


You were lying in his bed now, he'd gone off to do something but you were half asleep when he said it so you'd agreed not really listening to the words. You scrolled through Instagram while hiding under the covers. 

Sebastian's post came up on your screen again and you decided to read the comments. 


um those aren't sebastians arms 


where is this 


You're in Wales! Whaaaat

You felt like you'd been scrolling for forever and still not reached the bottom of the comments on his post.

"You awake yet?" You hear Sebastian say, but you didn't hear the door.


"Well, I guess you won't want these then."

"What are they?" You're still hidden under the sheets.

"You're gonna have to look to see."

You sit up now and let the quilt fall forward against your knees and tuck it around your waist to cover up your naked skin. He's holding a tray of drinks and a paper bag which you hope contains some sort of pastry.

"Can I tempt you to a latte and a croissant?" He asks, coming to sit on the bed in front of you now.

"Absolutely. Thank you."

You both eat breakfast on the bed, downing croissant crumbs with your coffee.

"It's your first day today, right?" He asks, brushing his fingers together to rid of the last remnants of a pastry.

"Yeah, only two seminars, though."

"Are you excited?"

"Kind of." You smile, eating a lot slower than he did. "I'd rather eat breakfast in bed, though."

"What all day?" He laughs.

"If it was an option."

"Well, it's not. Come on, if you get changed soon I can take you." Sebastian gets up and brushes crumbs off his trousers before looking back at you.

Just Two Weeks || Sebastian Stan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now