Day 6

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Please talk to me. I can explain everything

It's not what you think at all. I promise

I should have been honest from the start

I'm skrry
I really fucking am I messed up. Please let me fix ghjs.


"I don't understand what there is for him to explain," Chloe says. The day has been a blur. "Like, it's just wrong. You could sell your story, you know? To the Daily Mail or something."

"Jesus, Chloe. I'm not going to do that."

"Why not? I would."

"We know you would," Rachel says. They're getting ready in your room, still trying to persuade you to go with them.

"I'm not going to do that. I still like him, I don't want to hurt him."

"He hurt you." Chloe reminds you as if it was possible to forget.

"I know."

"Come out with us, it'll be good for you. You've literally been stuck to his hip for the last five days." Chloe says, sipping at one of her drinks. "I'll buy the first round."

"That never happens." Rachel laughs. "Now you have to come."

"I've got some reading to do." You say, looking back at your phone as you receive a new message.

Can I come over?

"Actually, I'll come." You say, almost jumping up to get changed.

"Okay?" The two girls look at you now, sharing a face of confusion.

"I've just changed my mind..." You don't know if they believe you, but you don't really care.

You take one of Chloe's drinks and down it before she can snatch it off you.

"Let's find you a nice honest English man," Chloe says laughing, pouring a fresh concoction for you to drink as you change.

"Ready to go?" Chloe asks, handing you a clutch to borrow.


As you all head downstairs, there's a knock at the door. You can just make out a silhouette of a man as he looks down the street. Waiting.

"Y/N?" The knocks are harder now.

The girls can't contain their giggles.

"Shut up! He'll hear you." You whisper. "Can we go out the back?"

You all head towards the garden which backs onto an alley you otherwise avoid. Perfect for quick and quiet exits.

"You are so harsh," Rachel says.

"Honestly, Rach, I'd rather not think about him right now."

It's dark as you get into town, the streets busy with students and bouncers. You're queueing for Rosies when your phone rings.

It's Sebastian.

"Pass it here," Chloe says and you do, slightly tipsy from whatever drinks she gave you earlier. "Hello? Yeah, Sebastian. She doesn't want to talk to you right now. Sorry? Hold on." She covers the mouthpiece with her hand before shouting, "Excuse me, could you all just keep it down? Thanks. Yeah, no, we are taking her out to show her a good time. Bye, Sebastian."

You slip the phone into your clutch and make your way inside. It's dark and loud. There's a smell that never leaves, alcohol embedded into the carpets and cheap lino.

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