Day 11 - Afternoon

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You wake up to the sound of the city around you. There are cars, people and birds. A chorus you don't usually hear from your room. His breath is warm on your neck but you can tell he's awake, curling strands of your hair in his fingers as he watches you stir.

He'd taken his trousers off at some point in the night but kept his boxers on. The cotton almost glistening in the warm sun, accentuating what was hidden.

"Morning." His voice was rough, his throat dry from drinking.

"Mmm, morning." You moan with a turn, bringing your hand to stroke his cheek.

"Well, actually, I think it's the afternoon."

"Is it?"

"Yep, twenty past twelve to be exact." He shows you his watch.

"Fuck." You laugh. "I wanted to sleep all day, but I suppose this is okay, too."

"Yeah and I wanted to spend all of it in here, so this will do me just fine." He smiles with his lips first but then he shows his teeth. You see his tongue running along the inside of his mouth, following the curve as he looks at you. Stroking at the small strands of hair that stuck to your temple with his thumb.


"Yeah?" He pushes himself up to lie on his elbow now, looking down at you.

"We have until Wednesday."

"I know."

"What happens then?" You ask and your voice breaks. You're hoping it's from the alcohol but you feel your stomach moan as you talk. A sinking feeling creeping towards your throat.

He doesn't say anything. Chewing at his gums. His hand shakes as he brings it up to his mouth, rubbing at his lips.

"I want you."

"You've said that." You flash a small smile, sliding your fingers between his and pulling them away from his face. You squeeze them, wanting to nudge the words out from him. "What does that mean? You live in New York."

"I know. I know I do."

"That's a long way away. And I have uni."

"I know." He bites at his lower lip now and his eyes study the window behind you as he thinks.

They are so fucking blue. They're light in the sun but you could still get lost in them. Drown as he looks at you again. 

"Words, Seb."

"Yeah, I... would you..." He lets out a sigh. "Would you ever want to be in a relationship?"

"With you?"

He nods, it's slow as if he's wary. Watching you to gauge your reaction before he cements his decision.

"Well, yeah. Is that not obvious?"

"I can never really tell. People act different around me sometimes."

"Seb, I didn't even know who you were. I couldn't give a crap about your portals and stuff -"

"It's more than just portals." He interrupts, smiling.

"This is what I'm saying. I liked you before knowing you were Sebastian Stan. Before I nearly gave Chloe a heart attack. I've never been anything but myself around you. Okay? It's not an act." You brush his cheek with a thumb now.

"Okay. But people will talk you know, it won't be like this."

"Then we keep it like this for as long as possible. Right?"

"Right." He kisses the tip of your nose. "You're so beautiful." And it's different when he's sober, the words are more real and have meaning.

You kiss, the sun warm on your skin as you try and block out the city and its noises. You want to stay here forever, a happy mess.

"Can I ask you something?" You say as you pull away slightly, foreheads still touching.


"As an actor, how come you're so bad at words?"

He scoffs. "Life doesn't come with a script, Y/N. I've got to figure that shit out for myself."

He scrunches his nose, cute lines across his cheeks, as he comes in for another kiss. It leaves you breathless, knocking all sense out of you as he cups your face to pull you closer.

"I'm going for a shower, you can join me if you'd like?" He says once he's finished kissing you, leaving you alone on the bed. 

"Mmm, I'll be right there." 

Once you hear the shower start, imagining the water bounce off his shoulders as he holds his face up towards the water, you grab your phone. 


Hope you're okay xx


I'm so sorry I never text you last night
So I think I might be in a relationship with Seb


Also. Seb. Of course he's a Seb


So he asked if I would ever be in a relationship with him


And you said.....
If you said no 
So help me god 
I will get you checked 


Give me a chance to type
I said that I would




Then he said it couldn't be like this forever
I think he meant without people knowing


Did you ask for clarification? 
Obviously you didn't 
Or else you wouldn't say you THINK
You two are the bane of my life 
Like do you know how adulting work?


I can't just ask him if we're in a relationship now, it'd be awkward


So that London girl then?
And why not?
All you need to say is 
Seb, just so I know whether I can sleep with other people or not, are we exclusive? 


He's not going to see her
Maybe he was just putting the feelers out there


Thank fuck
I bet he's got something planned
Yeah, I bet he's planning something?


Do you think?



"I'm running out of water!" Seb shouts and you can see the steam start to cloud out of the bathroom.


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