Day 9 - Afternoon

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You'd both been silent on the drive, music filling the car for you so you didn't have to think of words. Your eyes watched the coast fly by as he stared at the road ahead. It would have been a nice day otherwise, exploring another beach or heading into the mountains. 

He'd skip songs every so often but you didn't want to tell him you liked them. You just let him carry on creating a playlist to his mood as he did. 

You were on your street now and he pulls up outside your house.

"Y/N..." He says, turning to face you. "I'm sorry for earlier but you have to believe me when I say I'm trying my best."

You look at him and his lost eyes. And you want to kiss him. 

But you don't.

"I do. I'm just not hopeful about the outcome." You say, undoing your seatbelt.

"Will you still come tomorrow?" He asks, hand reaching towards you but settling on the side of your chair.

You look at it, wanting to touch him. And kiss him. 

You don't.

"Yeah, of course."

You grab your bag and get out of the car and he watches you walk to the house. You wave goodbye as he drives off.

You go upstairs without taking your shoes off, not giving Chloe a chance to come out and start giving you advice on next steps or fill your head with more doubts.

You lie on your bed now, scrolling through your phone without thinking when he texts you.

What does your post mean?



You'd posted it as he drove, not really thinking ahead

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You'd posted it as he drove, not really thinking ahead. Not thinking he'd message you about it. It was a song you'd listened to before, but the words never really made any sense to you. Until now, until you were living it. It could have been written for you, or about you. The chorus becoming a truth. 

They're just lyrics

What do they mean?

Whatever you want them to

What do they mean to yiu

Sometimes I can't find the
words for something and
lyrics make it easier to say
Sometimes I just like the song

Which sometimes is this?

I don't know

You do know
You just won't tell me

I think you can guess


You lock your phone but it lights up as he replies. You read the words.

Is that how you feel?

He'd found the song, read the words and understood the meaning. It was. And it wasn't. You just wanted it to be different. You wanted your song to end differently but it was heading towards the same last line. 

A soulmate who wasn't meant to be. 

You're not supposed to take all of it literally

But yiu feel some of it
Do you wish hiu never met me?


Read 16:24

You stare at the phone but he doesn't reply.

Don't you?


Your eyes are stuck to the screen again, reading through your messages. Hating yourself for being able to type things without thinking.

I'm skrrh
I don't mean it like that
I just mean because if I didn't meet you I wouldn't have to say goodbye
Because I don't want to say goodbye

Read 16:30


Read 16:37

I'm sorry

Read 16:50

Is that it then?

He doesn't read it. A few hours have passed by the time you manage to stop staring at it and expect an answer. It's late by the time you stop hoping for a knock on the door. You don't know what time it is when you start drifting off to sleep, the message still unread and question unanswered.

Your phone's screen is buried into the covers so the blue glow from the screen doesn't wake you when he calls.

It goes to voicemail but he hangs up.

Then another message.



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