Day 4

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Sebastian's driving towards Llandudno now, badly following the directions from the built-in sat-nav

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Sebastian's driving towards Llandudno now, badly following the directions from the built-in sat-nav. He's given you his phone to pick some music from his list of playlists.

"The Sad... sad again... sad one more time. Jesus, Seb, who hurt you?" You laugh at the titles he's given to his collection of music. "Oh wait, missed one. Sadness. Yep, I might avoid these ones."

"I would." He smiles, glancing over at you.

"You have such a random taste in music. It, like, goes from classical to rap in sixty seconds... I honestly don't know what to pick... oh hold on. just fun, that sounds happy. We'll have that."

Music fills the car now as you drive along the coast towards sand, sea and arcades. You skip the songs after a few seconds and you can see him getting frustrated beside you.

"Y/N, let them play."

"Rap isn't really road trip material is it, we need something we can sing to."

"Honestly, you're the worst type of person. I'll just put the radio on unless you stick to a song. Please." He drags out his beg.

"Fine. Here we go."

You shuffle play one of the playlists that look like it was made for a party, so you know it will have some decent tunes with catchy choruses for you to sing along to.

"I'm DJing next time," Sebastian says as you reach the town, heading towards parking.

"So, I can drive then?"

"No, no, didn't say that." You both laugh.

He's wearing a hat and glasses today and blends in with the crowds as they all try protecting their eyes from the September sun. It's harder to recognise him now, and you're thankful for it. He takes your hand once he's finished paying for the parking and stuck it to the windscreen.

Your fingers are interlocked and his thumb rubs against yours.

"What first then, arcade?" He asks.


The arcade is on the pier, shadowed by the Great Orme, a massive piece of headland. You both change some notes into smaller coins and keep them in plastic cups as you walk around.

You've left him on one of the claw machines as you slot endless 10 pence coins into one of the pushers, eyeing up a cheap Marvel keyring hanging off the edge.

You'd give it to him, if you'd won, but it's trapped under a good pile of silver so even if it fell, it would hang there until its anchor of coins fell too.

You give up.

"Hey." His arms wrap around your stomach. "Are these all rigged or what?"

"They are."

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