Day 3 - Afternoon

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He paid for the tickets even though you almost fought him for the card machine. The woman behind the counter laughed but still looked bored so you thought you'd spare her from second-hand embarrassment and let him do it.  

You're stood by the elephants now and have been for at least ten minutes. You're lost in your thoughts as Sebastian comes up behind you. 

"What's up?" He asks, standing next to you now as you both watch the calves run towards the waterfall. 

"Nothing. Why?" 

"Something's up, you haven't said anything in like a half hour." You open your mouth to argue before he continues. "And calling them cute," he points at the elephants, "doesn't count." 

"That's what you do at zoos, you look at the animals and talk about them." 

"You're supposed to talk to whoever you come to the zoo with, too, though. You know that, right?" He's looking at you now, turning his back towards the people behind him just like he did at the club that first night. 


"Come on, talk to me. The elephants aren't going anywhere." 

"No, but you are." It comes out all flustered and you stand there for a second, digesting what you just said. It looks like Sebastian does the same, the arm that was about to reach your elbow and turn you to face him stops and drops to his side. 

"Well, yeah. What's brought this on? It was always the two weeks." 

"I know." 

"Did someone say something?" You look at him now but don't say anything. "Chloe?" 

"They were all valid points." 

"I'm sure they were. Can you tell me something though? Has she ever been wrong before?" 

"Of course she has." You say. 

"Of course she has, because she's human, right. Just like us. Life's not linear. Things happen and you can either go with the flow or seclude yourself and never know what would have happened if you took the risk." You stare at him, not really knowing what to say or do. Hating Chloe for filling you with doubt. "Would you like me to take you home?"

"No." You say. "You're right. I'm sorry." 

He pulls you into a hug, his chin resting on your forehead. 

"Can we go see the red pandas now?" He asks and his stubble digs into your skin. 

"Of course." 

The zoo is getting quiet now as you head back towards the entrance and some of the animals have retreated back into their beds for the night. You're walking through the shop and Sebastian's picking out a magnet for Mackie. He can't decide between a penguin and a rhino, you say you don't know the man well enough to make the decision for him.

"I'm thinking penguin." He says, putting the rhino back onto the stand.

"Then get the penguin."

"He's fussy, you know."

"Then get them all, I don't know." You say, wary that the shop was closing soon and he'd been standing at the magnets for way too long.

"Shall I get them all? I should get them all, right?"

"I really don't care, Seb." You laugh as he starts to grab one of each design. You don't tell him there's more on the other side.

Before he goes to pay he picks up an elephant plushy. It's not the biggest one on the shelf, but it's not small either. He puts them on the counter before the woman behind the till recognises him.

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