Locked in

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Marinette wrapped a towel around herself and stepped out of the shower. She loved the fresh, clean feeling taking a shower gave her. She reached for the door handle and tried to turn it, but it wouldn't budge. She attempted to stay calm and tried again. It still adamantly refused to open.

"Maman!" She waited. "Maman! Papa!" She kept screaming for a few minutes before giving up and sinking to the floor, letting her sobs echo around off the walls.


Chat landed on Marinette's roof and tapped on her window. When she didn't answer, he got worried. She was usually up by then. Was she sick? Or had she just misplaced something downstairs?

He tapped again, louder this time, and looked in. Her bed was empty and no one was at the desk or on the chaise.

Deciding that it would be alright to go in without permission just this once, he pushed open the window and climbed through.

"Princess?" he called.

His only answer was silence.

He tried again. "Marinette?"

Chat made his way down to the kitchen. "Marinette? Where are you?" He walked to the living room. "If this is a joke it isn't very funny."

He was getting more and more frightened by the second. What if she disappeared? What would he do then? Who would he hold when they watched movies? Who would play video games with him late into the night to help him forget about his father? Or cuddle with him early in the morning? Or trade jokes with him about anything and everything?


Chat shook his head, trying to rid his mind of those cursed thoughts. He couldn't think like that. He had to be strong. For Marinette.

There was a sound like a whimper and his ears swiveled around. It seemed to be coming from the direction of the bathroom. He crept down the hall. There it was again! It was definitely coming from the bathroom. Now that he was closer, it sounded more like a series of sobs and gasps with the occasional whimper.

"Marinette?" His heart rose. "Marinette? Is that you?"

"Chat?" Her voice was unsteady and raw like she had been crying for a while and he felt a pang in his chest.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Chat jiggled the door handle. "Open the door, Princess!"

This made her sob again but she managed to force out the words, "I can't . . . It's s-stuck" before she was overwhelmed again.


"I-I took a sh-shower," she sniffed, "and when I . . . t-tried to leave. . . the door was stuck." Her words were punctuated with another sob.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out," he promised. "Stand back. I'm going to break the door down."

He heard a scrambling that probably wouldn't have registered if she wasn't in a bathroom and he didn't have enhanced senses.

"I'm o-out of the w-way," she sniffed.

Chat backed up and kicked the door.


A fracture appeared in the door. He kicked again.


Splinters of wood fell to the floor and the crack widened. Another kick made a ragged hole about the size of a grapefruit.

Marinette had stopped sobbing now and was just whimpering. He peered through the hole.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Y-" She sniffed. "Yeah."

"I'm going to keep kicking, okay?"

"Okay." Her voice was so quiet. He felt another sharp pang in his chest. He should have protected her.

Chat channeled all his anger and frustration into his next kick and a crack the length of the door appeared. Wow. He didn't think he was that strong. He kicked again and this time, half of the door flew off making Marinette screech.

"Are you okay, Princess?" He pushed through the door and she flew into his arms, shaking and sobbing. She had a fluffy, white towel falling out of her hair and another wrapped around her body. He rubbed circles on her back, being careful not to move the towel. "Shh, it's okay, Princess, you're okay."

After a few minutes, Marinette's sobs subsided and she pulled back, wiping her eyes. "Th-thanks, Kitty," she sniffed.

"Anything for you, M'lady." He was using all his self-control not to look down. "Now let's go get you some clothes."

She nodded and he took her to her room. While she was dressing, he went down to the bakery to explain what had happened and tell her parents he would replace the door.

He was so glad he had been there to help, he only wished he had found her sooner.

Thank you to my wonderful beta Moonlight of the moon!

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