Chapter 36

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Goku's POV

I...I don't believe it. He just left like that. That....he..ugh! I stood up and looked for my clothes, feeling bad for myself and wanting to eat. Man I need food now. But Vegeta's probably at CC. Forget food, Goku! Think about why Vegeta did this in the first place...

He probably just needs some time to think. But what if he actually hates me now? What if I never get to see him again?! I'll miss him to much! I walked back and forth in the cavern and eventually got to solving my first problem. Hunger. I thought for a while and remembered my long time best friend, Krillin!

Vegeta's probably feeling all high and mighty now, making me feel like I did something. Now I feel guilty. I finally got to searching for Krillin's energy and when I locked on, I Instant Transmissioned to his place. "Goku! Watcha doing here pal?" "Krillin, I think Vegeta dumped me!" I clung onto him and finally let my heart out.

"I just wanted to help him! And he took it the wrong way and then we fought at the cave and he left me! I'm so upset and hungry I can't even think straight! Help me!!" He patted my back in an awkward manner and led me into his house.

"Honey, help?" Oh no, I disturbed them during dinner. Which! "C-can I stay the night? And get something to eat, please?" I kneeled in front of 18 and Marron. "Uncle Goku! What's wrong with you and uncle Vegeta?" "He hates me now! I'm pretty sure he'll be back with Bulma and saying how much he hates me!" "Alright," 18 stood up and pulled Marron to the kitchen with her.

"we'll make you something but as soon as you're done, then you tell us what happened. Marron, you help me cook." "But we need to talk to uncle Go- AAH!" They both disappeared behind the kitchen door. I finally let go of Krillin and stared at the food on their table.

"Can I? Please?" I stared at him with puppy dog eyes. He gave me the go ahead and I dug into their dinner which was still untouched.

Octopus, rice, meat.... I'm gonna eat till I forget all about him! I sat and took a bowl of rice and finished it in seconds. Pretty soon I was done with everything on the table. "Alright, we made as much as we could but considering you just came at such a random time, you should be grateful to us ladies who would do anything for you. You're just lucky you are Krillin's friend."

18 and Marron walked into their dining room with plates of even more food and I felt my appetite coming back. "Uncle, you ate ALL our food and now you're coming to eat your food." "Yeah?" "What the hell do we eat then?!" She fumed and stomped her foot on the ground.

"You guys can eat some, too. I just wanted to talk really." "What's wrong?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "W-well... Vegeta and I got into a fight. He said I shouldn't get near him during his heat and I did and then we-" "What's heat?" Krillin asked after taking a bite out of some meat. "Long story. So anyway, I sensed something wrong with him when I was at a hot spring and decided to check it out.

The next thing I knew me and Vegeta had erm...y'know," I made a circle with my thumb and index finger and used my other hand to pass a finger in and out of it. "Goku! There's a child here!" "I'm 16 years old, Daddy!" Marron and Krillin growled at each other and just looked away from each other. "Um.....we did that and now I think Vegeta's angry because he doesn't want to be a parent. Long story short, he's pregnant and I'm homeless."

They stopped eating and just stared at me. "What? Is it something I said?" "Vegeta's pregnant?! I'm so using this against him!" Krillin fistpumped the air and got hit by 18. "So, when are you two gonna make up? Or are you just gonna be babies about your little fight about when and when not to have sex?"

Okay, women are insensitive and straightforward. So unfair. I cleared my throat and stood up, making my way to the door. "I guess I should leave now, huh. It was nice seeing you guys again. Bye Marron, be a good girl. Don't get on your dad's bad side." I waved at them and walked out their door without waiting for them to stop me.

"I guess I better go find somewhere to live now. Bulma and Vegeta won't let me in and I don't wanna bother Chi-Chi. I could go back to the mountain I guess." I stretched my arms and made my way to the lonely cave. "Kakarot! You better stop and listen to me!" "Vegeta what the hell?!" Vegeta came at me a few minutes after I had arrived at the cave. I was still lying down when he just stormed over to me. "Leave me alone, Vegeta!"

I walked away from him to the other side of the stream and later down. I heard him groan and take a few steps to me. "Are you hungry? I brought some food." He sat across me with a small smile on his face. I ignored him. "Listen, Kakarot. I'm sorry. While we talk, have some food. You're probably starving to death over there with that scowl on your face."

Vegeta pushed the containers of food my way and sighed. This is gonna be a long night... Least I got lots of food out of this.


Guess someone has some explaining to do. That someone is me. Gosh, I haven't updated in ages! It feels good to finally have this done.

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