Uncle Georgie (Fourteen)

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Bianca Pov

So the whole 'Dad' thing had been sorted out, (and Soph was an actual godsend with that but she'd never accept that), ok so what I mean is that Teddy is now 'Dad' and Jack is now 'Papa', yes we're a gay old little family, (though they had been a gay little family for a while now and I was just a new addition to it), (though it felt nice that I was now apart of the family), (god I'm fucking awkward as fuck).

Anyway it was a Friday evening, (though what time does evening even begin, like genuinely), the first week of school was alright for it being school, (I hated school, and no, I don't miss it as an adult, so stop telling kids that school will be the best years of their life), we were casually doing our coursework together, (because you know, GCSE's are important and if we had questions, we could ask each other about it, ya know Babes), well casually is a bit of an understatement but ya know what I mean here Babes, (or maybe you don't, who knows though).

Someone then knocked on the front door, which startled us as we had expected nobody to come 'round, ya know, honestly I was a bit worried that Megan didn't take a hint from Ro, (I mean she didn't but it wasn't the case this time), so anyway Dad opened the door and there was this tall, lanky, ginger bloke with a fladora hat, (which actually suited him I gotta say), honestly it shouldn't have worked for him here but it really did, anyway, he was there and he looked like he was going to burst into tears, (that's because he did not long after that).

"Hey- Georgie what's wrong?"
"My boyfriend and I broke up"
"Did something happened?"
"He slept with someone else"
"Oh Kiddo, come in"

So after Dad closed the front door, Georgie burst into tears, (so it was kind of a shit time for introductions here), (though I had heard of Georgie before this so I knew who he was but he probably didn't know of me), it felt weird to be there while he was this upset, but there wasn't really anywhere else that we could've gone to do our coursework, (it sounds utterly shit I know, but it's only the bloody truth Babes).

"Do you want me to beat him up-"
"Teddy you can't do that!"
"Why not?, he cheated on you-"
"Yeah but I don't want you to go to prison, also don't mention the family motto"

I was bloody confused about 'the family motto' as I didn't know that we even had one, let alone what it was, it turns out it was 'Don't fuck with an Addams', which I had heard of before then but I honestly thought it was a joke motto as it's technically more of a threat than it is a motto, but it came from Jack and Rita Addams, (which made sense once that was explained to me here Babes).

"Ok, I'll let it go for now Kiddo, do you need somewhere to stay?"
"I do, it was his flat so I just grabbed some of my stuff and left before I did something that got the coppers involved"
"Ok we'll set you up a bed"
"I can sleep on the couch-"

It was like Georgie personally insulted Dad, (and I didn't want to be the reason that came out like ever), even though it was a suggestion that most people would make, but then I don't know the entire history of why that would've been lead to it being like that, but I was also in no position to ask, (plus it's none of my business here), so I just left it alone, (as you should if it's not a danger to anyone).

"Absolutely fucking not Georgie, I didn't have you do that as a broke arse teenager, so I'm not gonna let you do that now that I'm not as broke"
"Georgie, no buts ifs or whys, go and have a shower, it might make you feel better"
"Ok, thank you"
"You don't need to thank me Kiddo, just try to look after yourself, ok?"

So Georgie went to the bathroom and he took a shower, we all tried to continue drinking our tea like normal, as nobody likes prying eyes on them, it was quiet though, which was weird because unless it was night time, it's never really quiet, but we all knew why it was quiet, so we just didn't comment on it, nor did we do much to change it, (but then again was there much that we could've actually done here?, or was it just asking for it to be quieter?).

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