Chapter 2

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Sakura had lived quite a sheltered life. Her father was the ruthless chief of the renowned Konoha city, so that already meant more coddling than others in certain aspects. She was also a Konoha citizen, which guaranteed she was cut off from the rest of the world.

The Konoha city was surrounded by tall metal fences. There were a total of three gates surrounding the city, with guards posted at each one. The people of Konoha lived inside their little bubble. There were no pets and the only dirt and trees you could find were in the greenhouses. Most didn't even go in there.

Konoha city owned a few miles of land surrounding the city on all sides. Most however did not venture out there and preferred to live their lives never knowing what lay beyond.

It wasn't that it was forbidden, but it also wasn't that they could freely walk outside. They had to ask the chief for permission first. Some just didn't want to take that hassle, and most just didn't care.

After weeks of begging, her father had finally agreed to let her explore the outside as long as she didn't venture any further than the miles of land they owned. Kizashi had walked her all the way to one of the gates and gruffly ordered the guards to let her through. Trusting his daughter wouldn't disobey him and that the guards would keep an eye on her, he left to go attend to his business.

That was all it had taken. She had gone to the exact same gate the next day and the guards had once again let her through. They hadn't even thought to ask the chief if she had permission to go out again and had simply assumed after the first time that she did. They truly were incompetent at their jobs.

After a few times, she had tried to persuade her best friend, Ino, to go with her. The idiot guards would likely not even question it and just assume that Ino also had permission. But Ino had refused and so she kept her little outings for herself. Each time, she had grown more courageous until she had found herself in unclaimed land staring at Itachi.

That meeting had been the first of many times they would meet. Because of her sheltered life in Konoha city, there were many things she didn't know about. Itachi was more than happy to introduce her to them.

He had brought a few pets. A cat first. "What is this called?" She would ask him every time he showed up with a different animal.

He would also walk through the unclaimed lands with her, which lay right in between the Konoha city and the Iwa village. "What is this?" She would ask every time he pointed out something new. One of her favorite things Itachi had shown her was a waterfall. She was fascinated by it.

He had also developed the habit of bringing her Iwa knick-knacks that he knew didn't exist in the Konoha city, feeding her curiosity. They would spend the afternoons talking and playing around as Itachi explained things to her with amusement at her ignorance. 

They would always meet in the unclaimed lands, of course. Never getting too close to either of their homes. They were messing around in a meadow when she had shoved Itachi, giggling as she had actually managed to push him into the tall grass. He had given her an annoyed look before smirking, extending his hand to her.

Sakura knew he would probably pull her down into the grass with him, but even so, she placed her hand in his. As she had expected, he tugged her down roughly, she landed on his chest with a small thump. Their faces were only inches apart.

Sakura's cheeks became red and her eyes focused only on Itachi. Breathlessly she asked, "What is this called?"

Itachi slowly lifted his hand, "This," he started, caressing her cheek as he tucked her bangs behind her ear. He placed his hand at the back of her head and lifted himself higher, pulling her head down. "Is called kissing." He finished as he slowly leaned in before eagerly pressing his lips to hers.

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