Chapter 10

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The maid delicately brushed through Sakura's hair. Her cheek now had an angry red mark that was impossible to miss.

"Won't you go out today either, miss?"

"No, I don't want anyone to see me like this," Sakura responded.

After her father had slapped her, she had stayed hidden in her room. It had been a few days already.

In truth, she just didn't want to see Itachi at the moment. Not until she knew what to do. She was lost and felt impossibly trapped and couldn't bear the thought of facing Itachi knowing that she had likely failed him.

There was also a bit of truth to the part of not wanting anyone to see her like this too, however. She was ashamed to admit that she really also didn't want Itachi to see her face how it was now. But that was only a very small and shallow part of her.


Kizashi Haruno calmly walked to the home of the city medic. Opening the door he greeted him with a friendly "Morning,"

"Ah, chief. What can I do for you?"

"I need some sort of salve that gets rid of bruises."

"Bruises?" The medic questioned.

"Yes, I hit my daughter's face after she decided to run her mouth," Kizashi answered without remorse, "she's locked herself in her bedroom ever since and won't talk to me. I was hoping perhaps this would get her to come out. Girls are quite vain at that age, you know."

"Yes, yes, of course. Here," The medic said passing Kizashi a small white bottle, "if she puts this on her face twice a day, the mark should fade in a couple of days."

Kizashi nodded, "I appreciate it."

He left the medics' house and went on his way to his own home.


'Well, that answers why I haven't seen her.' Itachi thought.

They had been moved to a room in the Konoha medic's quarters. It seemed the medic intended on testing out a few things on them before their execution.

Itachi hadn't actually seen the chief but the door separating the rooms from each other hadn't been completely closed and he'd been able to hear the conversation. As his eyes were trained on the slightly open door, he noticed Deidara and Shisui looking at him from the corner of his eyes.

So they knew, he realized. He looked back at them, assuring them with his eyes he wouldn't do anything. Their worried expressions soothed. Itachi sighed before closing his eyes and leaning back into Kisame.

He just hoped Sakura wouldn't get herself in any more trouble.


Later that evening, Kizashi knocked on the door of his daughter's room. At receiving no answer, he knocked again, this time with more fervor.

"Sakura," he called, " I have something for you."

When the door still didn't open, he continued to prod.

"I bought a balm from the medic today. It will help with the mark on your face."

Sakura's head lifted from her pillow, she stared at the door for a moment before languidly getting up to open it. The balm had been sufficient bait.

Kizashi moved away from the door when he heard it unlock, it opened just a crack. Enough for him to only see one of Sakura's bright green eyes as she suspiciously peered at him. Kizashi held the small bottle up.

"Here. Kabuto said if you put it on twice a day it should dissappear in about two days."

The door finally fully opened. Sakura said nothing as she tentatively took the bottle from his grasp, doing her best not to outright glare at him. Before She could close the door again, Kizashi began to speak.

"The execution date of the Iwa men has been decided." He watched her face closely, daring her to say something.

Sakura sharply inhaled and her head whipped upwards as she looked at Kizashi with wide, stunned eyes.

"In the early morning, three days from now. It will take place in the usual execution grounds."

Three days! How could she possibly come up with something in three days! Without even thinking, Sakura abruptly closed the door in her father's face before he could see her brimming tears. Leaving Kizashi staring at the closed door slightly frazzled. He huffed before walking away.

Sakura slid down the other side of her door, her hands came up to hold her head. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she attempted to no avail to figure something out. Was there really nothing at all she could do?

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