Chapter 13

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Konoha and Iwa were never the same again. The blooming love between Sakura and Itachi, as well as the compassion shown to them all on that fateful day, had allowed for friendships to blossom between them.

The tall and imminent metal gates that locked away the Konoha from the Iwa were opened wide. No longer was it uncommon for Iwa and Konoha to flitter about in each other's territories. There were still Konoha citizens who believed they held an air of superiority over the Iwa but they were suitably ignored.

The Iwa were elated at no longer having to live in fear of the Konoha people. The Konoha citizens also enjoyed their newfound freedom to explore the world outside of their walls whenever they so desired.

The years passed and everyone grew older. Including Sakura, who was now old enough to marry.

"This is so exciting!" Ino gushed. It was finally the day. In only a few hours Sakura and Itachi would be husband and wife.

Ino was helping her get into the large, white, puffy gown. It had a sweetheart neckline with off-the-shoulder sleeves. The dress flowed out around her at the waist and had a long train. Delicate, dangling earrings were put into Sakura's ears and a matching necklace was fastened around her neck.

Ino put the delicate curls of her hair into a low side bun, kept in place with a silver decorative clip. A small crown was placed on top of her head.

Ino wore a lilac dress similar to her own with off-the-shoulder sleeves. The skirt didn't fan out as much, but it did also touch the floor and had a small slit on its side.

Sakura turned and was about to walk out of the changing room and into the hallway when Ino tapped her on the shoulder, "You'll need this," She told her, an exasperated smile on her face as she handed her a bouquet.

"Right," Sakura smiled back as she accepted the mix of colorful flowers designed by Ino herself.

Music started and Ino began to walk out. Sakura stood in front of the double doors that would take her to the room the ceremony was being held in. She impatiently balanced on the balls of her feet. The excitement over what was to come had her tingling all over. She was jittery but in a good way.

The music changed and with a grand swing, the doors opened to reveal her. Sakura smiled at her father as he took her arm in his and slowly led her down the aisle. It was really something amazing to behold. She would have never thought this possible a few years ago. But here he was, giving her away to an Iwa man.

She looked around her to the smiling faces, standing as she made her way past them. The church was decorated just the way she wanted. The music was beautiful and in tune with her steps as she marched down the aisle. Everything was perfect.

Sakura looked forward and saw Itachi, then, and nothing else mattered. The church could have been burning down for all she cared. Well, that might've been problematic. But regardless, all that mattered was that she was finally getting married to the man she loved. In the blink of an eye, Sakura was standing next to Itachi as the priest gave his usual wedding sermon.

No one objected to the happy couple, of course.

Sakura was sure the happiest moment of her life would forever be when the priest finally said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife,"

She grabbed the back of Itachi's neck in her excitement before he had the chance to lean in and pressed her lips to his, practically jumping at him. The laughter and applause from everyone invited were right next to her but sounded like a distant place as she enjoyed the moment.


The reception passed by in a flurry of celebration. Itachi and Sakura's respective family members and friends stood up and said a few words of encouragement and support. Shisui's speech....was unfortunately cut short before they could hear the complete thing (booed off the stage).

But even the few words he had managed to say had their, unique charm. Sort of.

Champagne bottles were opened with a pop, and by sundown, most were drunk dancing. It was quite the hilarious spectacle when Sakura got around to throwing the bouquet and the women and they all drunkenly stumbled on their own two feet to catch it, knocking each other down in the process.

When it was time to cut the cake, Sakura smacked some straight into Itachi's face. She hadn't been exactly planning to do it, but she was also a bit tipsy, albeit not as much as others. In any case, Itachi got her back so it was all fine.

It was nearly midnight and a lot of guests were so drunk they could barely stand when Itachi finally whisked her away.

"Eager are we?" She teased as he carried her bridal style, walking with an elegant but quick stride.

He surprised her by nearly purring, "Yes, I'm looking forward to getting to know each other better."

She bit back a cocky reply in favor of blushing beet red.

Sakura hadn't properly been placed on the bed for a second before Itachi pushed her down and was hovering above her. His hands held her waist and she put her arms around him to pull him down closer to her. 

Their lips met in slow, passionate kisses. Despite his earlier words, she could feel they would take their time tonight. After all, they had the rest of their lives to "get to know each other better".


I'm so sorry this took so long. I'm not very into corny things, so this was a bit difficult to write. Anyways, this is the final chapter, and I want to thank everyone that read this story to its end. I know it's weird and not the best so thank you for sticking through it and showing your support!

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