Chapter 5

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Fugaku, Mikoto, and Madara Uchiha all sat on cushions in the living room facing Shisui Uchiha and Deidara. It had been only a coincidence that Fugaku's older brother had found himself in their household when Shisui and Deidara had arrived, ready to relay what they had found. Madara had stayed, deciding that he also wanted to be part of what was going on. Sasuke was upstairs, asleep, and left out of the conversation. 

"Are you sure?" Fugaku asked after Deidara finished confirming Shisui's earlier accusations.

"I still find it hard to believe that a Konoha girl would want to be at all involved with an Iwa man," Madara stated, having had the situation explained to him.

Fugaku couldn't help but agree, the Konoha citizens held themselves on a pedestal above the Iwa after all. They believed themselves to be better and often looked at Iwa people as though they were all nothing but worthless trash that didn't even deserve the honor of being stepped upon. 

So it was indeed hard to believe that a Konoha girl would get off her high horse long enough to even talk with an Iwa man, let alone become romantically involved with him.

Personally, he had nothing toward the girl, he understood that she didn't represent the entirety of Konoha, just as the Konoha citizens didn't fully represent her, despite his earlier biased words. He still couldn't help but worry about Itachi, however. 

With a somber voice, he said, "This doesn't bode well for Itachi. If they are discovered by other Konoha people and they decide to see it as him forcing her to do things, he could be killed." 

Mikoto looked toward the ground as she gnawed at her lip, her brows furrowed in worry. 

"The girl's age," Madara began, "how old did you say she looked again?" He asked looking toward Shisui and Deidara.

Shisui decided to speak up, "Around 15, I'd say," next to him Deidara nodded in agreement. 

Madara continued, "Right, her age also makes it easier for them to claim he forced her into it, considering their age difference." 

Everyone looked to Fugaku, expecting him to say something. When the Patriarch stayed silent, Mikoto finally asked, "are you going to talk to him about this."

With his brows furrowed, chin still in his hands, he answered, "No. No one confronts him about this, I don't want him to know we know."

Fugaku knew his son was a prideful person. If he was to come after him for this, Itachi would get angry. No matter what he said to him, Fugaku knew that either way Itachi would just do what he wanted. He hoped that his son would at least come to him for help if at any moment something went wrong. 

That wouldn't happen, however, if he accosted him now. So he would play his cards right and pretend he knew nothing at all.

In an attempt to lighten the heavy mood, Deidara chuckled a bit, "Itachi sure does have weird tastes."

The more serious personnel in the room didn't really appreciate his attempts at humor, but Mikoto was immediately intrigued by this and asked what he meant.

"Well," Deidara started, "her hair's pink." 

There were many more things that could be said about her being 'weird', Shisui thought, but he decided to keep those more colorful comments about her behavior to himself. 

The conversation about the strange Konoha girl who had captured Itachi's attention didn't last much longer. They didn't know when Itachi would be returning home and didn't want to risk him finding them there. Shisui distantly wondered if he was with the Konoha girl at this very moment. 

Like Fugaku, he didn't hold any particular feelings of resentment towards the girl herself, but still worried greatly for Itachi's wellbeing.


"What's his name?" Ino asked Sakura with an excited gleam in her eyes. Both girls were currently on Sakura's bed lying side to side on their stomachs.

"Itachi," Sakura responded. Ino got a weird look on her face before busting out laughing.

"Like a weasel!" Ino buried her face into the bed as she laughed, getting an annoyed look from Sakura.

"Hey! Don't make fun of him!" She grabbed one of the pillows at the head of her bed and hit it against Ino's back. That seemed to sober her up because she stopped laughing. Instead, Ino reached for another pillow and smacked Sakura right across the face with it.

They dissolved into a full-out pillow fight that had them wheezing and giggling while they lay splayed out on Sakura's bed by the end of it.

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