Chapter 7

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Sakura hadn't been able to see Itachi all week. An elder on the council had gone missing earlier in the week and the city had gone on lockdown searching for him. Her father forbade her from going too far until this matter was resolved. This meant she couldn't sneak off because he had insistently given her a caretaker to watch over her and make sure she wasn't wandering about the large city. 

Personally, she thought the man had just dropped dead somewhere, he was old enough for it to happen.

Of course, she wasn't willing to voice her opinions to her father about the respected elder, so she kept her mouth shut. Not many were grieving the loss of the old man, he wasn't very well-liked despite his position as a trusted advisor. Sakura was among those that disliked the way he constantly sought violence with the Iwa, finding any reason he could to state as to why they should be attacked.

So, she grumpily walked the streets of the city, searching for something to entertain herself with until she could see Itachi again. She hoped they would find him soon and she wouldn't have to wait too long. The only good thing that had come of this is that her father hadn't been around the house enough to hassle her much.

Sakura's father, the chief of the Konoha city, seemed to think she did everything wrong. She slightly winced as she remembered that she hadn't exactly told Itachi that little fact. But hey, she figured, was it truly so important he knew that she was the chief's daughter? She didn't think so.

The truth was she was actually hesitant to tell him about her family because she was afraid he'd dislike her. If she was the chief's daughter, she was no longer a faceless individual. She was now someone important, and that placed much more responsibility on her shoulders for Konoha's actions, even if she still had no control over their decisions. Sakura felt as though he would view her differently anyway if he knew her title.

It was certainly quite the dilemma in her young mind.

Stomping irritably, she turned and passed by the annoying blonde-haired woman her father had appointed as her caretaker and who had not left her alone since. 

'Where is that stupid pig?' She thought annoyedly, deciding to take advantage of her now free time to spend some more time with Ino.

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