Chapter 8

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The Konoha troops had searched high and low for the missing elder, but not a trace of him had been found. His family was devastated over the lack of a body to bury and demanded they not give up the search. Because of his respect for the elder, not to mention he had been a good friend, Kizashi adhered to these demands.

After they had overturned every rock and searched every inch of the Konoha territory, it became abundantly clear that he simply wasn't there. They moved on to the unclaimed lands but found nothing there as well. Finally, they stormed into the Iwa village. No man dared to stop them. Their footsteps thundered as they broke into houses and disheveled shops. Some men, of course, took the opportunity to torment the Iwa and unnecessarily shoved men and women out of the way and trampled their belongings.

The Konoha troops moved on from the village and searched through their forests and surrounding areas. They all came to a sudden halt in front of a lake, staring at the gruesome discovery they had made. Right there, floating in the water, was the elder's corpse, his body stabbed through with his very own sword.

The body was incriminatingly found in Iwa land, and as chief, Kizashi made a hasty decision. Whirling around to face his troops, he commanded in a loud voice, "Go and tell the Iwa to bring out their most-able-bodied young men and stand them in a line at the center of their village!"

The Konoha troops invaded every home and shouted to every corner Kizashi's orders. Soon, the entire Iwa village was gathered in the center of town, surrounding a line of more than 20 young men ranging from late teens to early twenty's.

Kizashi marched right up to them and the Iwa watched in suspense as he inspected every one of them. Finally, he ordered all but five to retreat into the group of spectators.

"These five men will repay the death of our beloved elder with their lives!" Kizashi's voice rang out through the crowd.

Horrified gasps could be heard as the Iwa watched as Konoha troops tied up their sons, brothers, or friends.

Turning to the Iwa once more, Kizashi proclaimed, "The date of their execution will be later decided. Until then, they will be kept as prisoners in the city. You are welcome to come to the Konoha city and watch their execution when the time arrives."

With that, he turned and left the town. Taking with him the Konoha troops and the five Iwa men.


The Iwa men were lead right through the center of the Konoha city. People gawked and stared at them. With all the commotion, Sakura found herself pushing through the crowd of people to see what was going on. She looked in confusion when she saw Konoha troops leading five Iwa men including Itachi through the city with her father at the forefront.

Itachi noticed Sakura within the crowd of Konoha and simply looked at her, begging her with his eyes not to do anything. He was already going to die, he didn't want her to get punished as well for trying to defend him. He sighed. Shisui, Deidara, Kisame, and Hidan were here with him too. At least his little brother had been spared.

Sakura kept her eyes on Itachi as they were moved to the center of the city. There, they were all tied up with their backs to each other, sitting in a circle.

Itachi noticed that from his position he could see a larger and much more extravagant-looking house than all the other ones and figured that must be the chief's house. His suspicions were confirmed once the Kizashi retired into his home after assuring he and his friends were securely tied and taken care of. What he didn't expect was for Sakura to follow shortly after and also enter the house.

Besides Itachi, Shisui and Deidara were also able to see Sakura go into the chief's house and they silently gaped. Itachi had been colluding with the chief's daughter!  They both thought.

Sakura determinedly followed her father into their home. Itachi know knew her status but that wasn't important at the moment "What's going on? Why do you have all those Iwa men?"

"Those five men are going to pay the elders life with theirs," Kizashi stated gruffly.

"What are you talking about?" Sakura almost shouted, the panic clear in her voice

"The elder was found dead in one of their lakes with a sword through his heart. It's clear he was murdered. His life will be repaid with theirs."

"But the elder is already dead! Killing more people isn't going to bring him back! You're unnecessarily killing innocent people that have nothing to do with this!"

Kizashi whirled around to face her, "Nothing to do with this! He was killed by Iwa men, they are guilty regardless of it was by their own hands or not! His family is seeking restitution, this is the best way!"

Sakura's rising panic and desperation were clouding her mind. In a moment of lack of judgment, she blurted out, "The elder always hated the Iwa and tried to get us to invade them over anything! He was already minutes away from just dropping dead, how do you know he didn't commit suicide on their land to try to frame the-aagghh!"

Kizashi's hand cocked back and with the back of his hand,  he slapped Sakura hard enough across the face to send her sprawling to the floor. She sat there, finally silent with her hand on her cheek, as she tried to keep her tears at bay.

Kizashi looked back at his daughter with distaste. "I don't know why the hell you're so adamant on defending those Iwa men, but you'd be wise to remember who you are and that you're people come first."

He walked to the door and opened it, "Watch your words next time," he added as an afterthought.

The door shut with a resounding thud. Sakura dejectedly picked herself up from the ground, her hand still cradling her aching cheek. The maids discretely stared at her as she slowly made her way to her bedroom before throwing herself on her bed and crying the night away.

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