Chapter 9

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The elder's body was fished out of the river and transported to Konoha city. Despite the punishment for the Iwa having already been laid out, Danzo was taken to a team of pathologists for an autopsy.

Furious that the Iwa would attack one of his own in this manner, Kizashi had also ordered the interrogation of every Iwa citizen. The Konoha troops went from door to door, taking every person in the household one by one to the tents they'd quickly set up. Each interrogation lasted a minimum of ten minutes.

Screams were heard coming from the tents and the faces of those who had not yet had their turn paled in response. Even children were being treated with such barbaric methods. Despite this, nobody had caved and told him the identity or identities of who had killed the elder. Even when the interrogators had told them as motivation that they would spare the young men captive and only execute the guilty party instead.

Not even the families of the young men had said a word. They had only hysterically repeated that no one had done it. The nerve! To try to deny their crimes right to his face.

What Kizashi really intended to do was execute the people who had committed the crime as well as the young men. He wanted to give them a good reason not to ever dare raise their hands against a Konoha citizen again. Clearly, he had been too lenient with them.

He thought back to all the times Danzo had tried to tell him that he should rule them with more of an iron fist. That they would get out of hand if he continued to be so easy on them. Kizashi only wished the poor elder hadn't had to pay with his life for him to finally open his eyes. 

He had angrily pounded his fist against his office desk and made a crack in the wood as he had thought over the situation. Even after treating them with so much mercy, they were so quick to attack a weak and defenseless old man. They had made him seem like a fool. How dare they!

Of course, the five men he held captive were also interrogated. Kizashi stood watching as different torture methods were used on them, cruelly stating, "this is only a preview."

He had stomped over to the building where the group of pathologists was carrying out the autopsy, hoping for good news, straight after.

He had been disappointed. So far, all the pathologists could tell him was that although Danzo had received a sword wound his final cause of death had been drowning. He was beyond irritated at these inconclusive findings. No one had told him to his face, too scared of him to ever dare, but Kizashi had heard the murmurings of those that didn't agree the Iwa should be punished without proof.

He was itching for the autopsy to indicate signs of any type of struggle. Even better if they could find the culprits because of DNA traces. 

That would silence all those who still believed in mercy. Including his foolish daughter. 

A funeral for Danzo was held, even though the team of pathologists still held onto his body. His family had sobbed and sobbed. A few of those who respected had him or had called him a friend also shed tears. However, the clear sounds of mourning had not been able to distract from those who had only come because of politeness. He himself had held the elder in high regard and seeing the lack of people that were truly grieving Danzo greatly upset him. 

His own daughter had not come. 'That girl.' To be fair, he had not seen her face since he had slapped her, so he wasn't quite sure if her not being here was specifically out of disdain and disrespect for the elder, or if she was simply still not coming out of her room. Although he didn't doubt that part of her absence was due to her perceived injustice to the Iwa villagers.

He should really instill some respect into her.

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