Chapter 3

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"Itachi's frolicking with a Konoha girl." Shisui sat before Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha, voicing his concerns to Itachi's parents without remorse.

Shisui was embarrassed to admit it had taken him so long to catch on to Itachi's latest strange behavior, but in his defense, Itachi had always been a private person, even with him. If it had been anyone else, they would have likely never caught on to the fact that something was amiss in the first place. But Shisui had eventually noticed that he was seeing Itachi less than usual and stood up on training sessions more than usual. 

He had thought nothing of it at first. Then, he had questioned what in the world was going on. But finally, Shisui caught on that something new was occupying Itachi's attention. The question was what?

Now he had to play his cards right. If he asked him outright and Itachi wasn't willing to share, it would make it even more difficult to find out what was going on since Itachi would know he had caught on and make a bigger effort to hide it from him. Whatever it was.

Determined to find out, Shisui set out to follow Itachi to wherever he was hiding. It had been difficult. It had taken him a few tries before he'd even caught Itachi's trail. Even then, Itachi had eventually noticed and would always find a way to lose him. This also intrigued Shisui. Itachi was clearly now aware that someone was attempting to follow him on his ventures, but even this was not enough to deter him from his activities.  

It had taken him a few tries and Shisui had nearly given up, but one day he finally managed to follow Itachi to his secret. He was surprised when they had left Iwa territory and stepped out on unmarked land. Hidden up in a tree more than several feet in the air, he watched with anticipation as Itachi stopped at a meadow near a small lake and sat down. Then.... he did nothing.

'Boring,' Shisui thought. He was just being a social recluse.

Shisui was about to leave when he realized someone else was coming to the clearing from the other side and abruptly stopped. Turning his head to look over his shoulder, his mouth fell open as he realized a small little Konoha girl was making her way over to Itachi. Shisui watched with wide eyes as the girl sat down right next to Itachi, giggling as he immediately put his arms around her.

They lay down in the tall grass, Itachi's arm extended so she could use it as a pillow. She was smiling wide as she excitedly told him about something. Shisui didn't know what. He was in too much shock to register what exactly she was saying. He almost thought he was in an illusion when Itachi started stroking her hair, looking at her fondly.

'What in the actual hell?'

Silently and carefully, Shisui crept away from them until he was far enough to break into a sprint without Itachi noticing him. His mind was racing. He would've never guessed that what was keeping Itachi so distracted was a girl. Then again, he should've seen it coming. What else ensnare's a man's attention more than falling in love? But that was another question. Was Itachi in love?

Fugaku only sighed.


Sakura was becoming extremely adept at sneaking around with all of her and Itachi's outings. At least that's what she liked to think. She no longer exited the Konoha city through the heavy gates. It would look suspicious even to those idiot guards how many times she was leaving. Plus, now that she was meeting up with Itachi, there was something more at risk than a simple beating if her father ever discovered that she was going outside without even asking.

She had circled the metal fence of her city from the inside, taking note of everything. Then, she had done the same from the outside. Sakura had noticed there was a tiny little corner of the fence that was not as well built as the rest. It was in a secluded corner of Konoha city. It was clear no one important had seen it or it would have been fixed.

Sakura found she was able to remove one of the metal plates, creating a hole just big enough for her to squeeze through to the outside. She could even place the metal plate right back where it was and make it look like it had never even been removed. Sakura had truly scored on this spot. Not only could she successfully get out, but it was also guaranteed that her father had never passed through there.


Ino had of course noticed how often her best friend would vanish. Ino knew Sakura was exploring the outside when she was nowhere to be found, but come on! What in the world could be so exciting that she was gone practically every afternoon. It was all grass and dirt and leaves!

Getting lonely and wanting to spend time with her friend, Ino had eventually asked Sakura if she could go with her. No, she had said. Ino almost wanted to smack her. First, Sakura nags her to go with her, and now when she's practically begging she says no? Well, if that's how she wanted to be then fine!

But it wasn't fine! Ino was bored out of her mind and had no one to talk to now. Getting fed up, she cornered Sakura one day.

"You are telling me what the heck is so interesting out there and you are telling me now!" Ino demanded.

Sakura had been on her way to sneak out and meet with Itachi once again. "No," Sakura said firmly crossing her arms. She turned, intent on leaving and losing Ino.

That had been her mistake.

Ino was not about to give up so easily and with an uncharacteristic yell, she furiously ran and tackled Sakura right into the ground. After a bit of squirming, Ino managed to sit on Sakura's stomach, keeping her from moving.

"What the hell, pig! Get off!" Luckily, no one was around to look at the crazy pair.

Ino crossed her arms and stared down at Sakura, "No way. I'm not leaving until you spill." She said resolutely.

"I have nothing to admit! Get your fat self off me!"

 Ino gasped offendedly, "I am not fat!" She yelled in indignation. "Whatever, just tell me what you're hiding!" Ino shouted, deciding to brush off the fat comment for now. There were more important things to focus on.

There was no way she was leaving without Ino being satisfied that she learned what was going on. Sakura thought over if it really would be so bad if she just told her. Ino was her best friend. She could also keep a secret when she knew it was important, despite being an avid gossiper.

"Fine!" Sakura finally yelled irritably.

Ino smirked and got off her. Sakura sat up and dusted herself off, making sure to take her sweet time as Ino sat impatiently next to her. Sakura looked around before signaling for Ino to come closer.

Putting her mouth next to Ino's ear, Sakura whispered, "I've been meeting up with an Iwa boy." 

Ino snapped her face to hers aghast, "What?"

Sakura nodded, "I've been spending time with him every time I go out. He's told me about all sorts of things Ino! Oh, and he's really nice." She giggled, "and handsome too."

Ino rolled her eyes, "Seriously, Sakura." and then, a bit more seriously, "What if you get caught?"

"Well, I'm hoping I won't." Sakura looked Ino in the eyes. "Don't tell anyone." She said firmly.

"Of course, I won't," Ino said immediately, a bit offended that Sakura even though she had to tell her that.

"Thanks, Ino." Sakura smiled gratefully and hugged her. "Well, I'm off now!" She announced giggling.

Ino shook her head and watched as Sakura disappeared behind buildings. She really hoped Sakura knew what she was doing.


This week has felt like its lasted forever but gone by so quick at the same time.

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