Chapter 4

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Fugaku only sighed.

Dragging a hand over his face, he stared at the dining room table, hand still on his chin. Mikoto stared at Shisui with a look of surprise that soon morphed into concern. Fugaku let out another long and heavy sigh before settling his eyes on Shisui with a resolute look.

"I want proof," Fugaku answered gruffly. 

"What kind?" Shisui asked.

Thinking for a moment, Fugaku looked away before settling his gaze on Shisui once again. "Take Deidara with you and only after he confirms what you've told me is true will I believe it."

Fugaku was a stubborn man that didn't believe the words of just one man, Shisui should have known this would happen. 


That was how he and Deidara now found themselves hidden in another tree as they waited for the Konoha girl to appear. Itachi was lazing by the sandy shore of the small lake this time. Coming from within the tall grass of the meadow the small girl headed toward Itachi. Shisui directed his gaze at Deidara to catch his expression. Deidara had been quite doubtful and a small part of him rejoiced in the victory of proving him wrong.

Deidara, looking toward Shisui in his stupor, realized the look Shisui was giving him and seemed to snap out of it. 

"This proves nothing," He muttered snappishly, "You could've misunderstood, they could just be friends." Baring the fact that even if they were just friends, just meeting up together was condemning.

On her way to Itachi, the small girl tripped on a rock and took a tumble toward the lake, falling in. She stood up with a gasp, holding the sides of her soaked dress. Luckily for her, only the skirt of the dress had been wet, but, they supposed, the girl would probably not see it that way.

Lifting his head up, Itachi began to laugh at her. She looked indignantly at him, as though it were his fault she'd fallen in the lake. Itachi stood up, still chuckling, and stuck his hand out to her. She unfolded her furiously crossed arms and grasped at his hand, yanking herself out of the water. Before Itachi had moved away, she turned and roughly pushed him into the lake, looking on with a satisfied smirk as his body made a large splash.

Itachi, not having expected the attack and being much closer to the water than she had been when she tripped, ended up falling into a deeper part of the lake and wetting his entire body. 

'What a crass girl,' Deidara thought with a furrow of his brows.

"Hmmph! That's what you get for laughing at me!" She said once Itachi came up, water dripping off his long hair and clothes. He didn't seem to be too bothered as he slowly walked toward the shore with a grin on his face. The Konoha girl warily stepped back, farther and farther, eyeing him with narrowed eyes.

"Do you want to get dry?" Itachi asked in a deceptively innocent tone.

"Yes," the girl drawled hesitantly. Itachi began to do the hand signs for a fire jutsu, his hands lighting up with fire.

She widened her eyes, "What are you planning to do with that." Her voice seemed to get louder with every word.

Itachi took a step toward her, a smile on his face, "Dry you up of course."

"You're not planning on touching me with your hands covered in flames are you!" She shouted alarmed, putting up her arms in front of her. Realizing this was exactly what he intended to do, she turned and began to run for it. 

Itachi easily caught up to her and grabbed her by the waist, "No! I'm not a grilled fish!" She shrieked, flailing her arms and legs, resembling a freshly caught fish with her movements, Shisui and Deidara noticed to their amusement. 

They were barely able to catch Itachi's sarcastically muttered comment of, "not yet you aren't."

Wrestling with her for a moment, Itachi fell on his butt on the sand, dragging the girl with him. She closed her eyes, landing on his lap. 

"There," Itachi stated exasperatedly. She opened her eyes with a questioning look, before realizing that her dress was dry. Itachi had also somehow managed to dry himself off, even his hair. She patted the skirt a few times before standing up to inspect it further.

Grabbing the sides, she stretched the skirt, twisting around to look at it from all angles. "Wow, It's not even a little singed." She murmured with amazement, twirling around once she was done with her inspection.

"If you keep doing that I'm going to see your panties," Itachi deadpanned. He was still sitting on the ground, much too close to her fluttering skirt.

"Then don't look!" She yelled stopping and slamming her hands to the fluttering skirt, eyes closed and cheeks red in embarrassment.

They'd seen enough, Shisui decided. It was evident that they were more than friends, they didn't need to observe any longer for them to be able to see that. He could practically feel the chemistry between them. He and Diedara quietly crept away from the happy couple and headed back toward the village.


"Then don't look!"

Itachi chuckled and stood up.

"Hey! Don't walk away from me!" Sakura followed in his footsteps as he headed toward the meadow next to the lake. Slamming into Itachi's back after he abruptly stopped, she rubbed her nose, crying "Hey!" 

Itachi turned and grabbed her arms as he sat down in the meadow, laying on his back. She ended up next to him, her head resting on his shoulder. His arms encircled her waist as he sighed contently with his eyes closed, head tilted toward the sky. Sakura finally shut up and put one of her arms on his chest, snuggling closer to him and also closing her eyes.

She awoke to Itachi shaking her. She rubbed her face and then looked at him through half-lidded eyes, lazily humming. 

"It's late." He said looking toward the sky. Opening her eyes better she also looked, noticing that the sun would indeed start to come down any minute now. Sakura sighed and with a frown sat up, Itachi moving to do the same.

"Bye," She kissed his lips and shyly stood up, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Itachi watched her move through the meadow until she disappeared into the other side of the forest. He lay back down and threw an arm over his eyes, deciding he'd do some more napping.


I feel like this chapter is just slightly crack

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