Ch. 1 - Internship

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Ransom was portrayed as though in his early thirties in the movie, so I'm just going to say that he's in his late twenties here because this is a few years earlier than when the movie took place.


You looked up from one of Harlan's books you were reading, careful not to accidentally crease the pages. He told you that you should read a couple more of his works, and this one was the one he gave you the first day as his intern. Harlan allowed you to read outside of his house on the porch while he worked in his study. As long as he didn't need you for anything, then you'd be reading.

Harlan came towards you with a young man at his arm. "I'd like you to meet my research assistant, Ransom."

You stood up from the wooden chair you were on, putting the book down where you previously sat. You shook the man's hand. "It's nice to meet you, I'm y/n l/n, Harlan's intern."

"Hugh Drysdale, but everyone just calls me by my middle name, Ransom," he said with a small smirk on his face.

He was... really handsome. He stood around six feet tall, with a lighter shade of tousled brown hair and bright blue eyes. A sharp jawline and cheekbone complimented his other features. He wore a cable-knit sweater under a long brown coat and scarf. He held a pair of sunglasses in his hand.

Some part of you told yourself that he was also a piece of work. He had an air of confidence and arrogance about him, but somehow that only made him more appealing to you.

But his last name, his last name sounded so familiar to you. Where had you heard it before?

Harlan piped up from behind Ransom's broad-shouldered figure, "You and my grandson are about the same age, you know."

Your eyebrows furrowed. "Grandson?"

Harlan told you he had kids, but he never even mentioned grandchildren. Much less one being the same age as you.

"Ransom is Linda and Richard's son."

"Oh." So that's why his last name sounded so familiar.

"I have some writing to do, so why don't you two figure out your schedules and such?"

You side-stepped Ransom to stand beside Harlan and held out your arm. "Let me walk you to your study."

He stubbornly waved you away. "No, no. You two do what you need to do. I'm old, but I'm not dead yet. I'll be fine."

You didn't miss the wink he tried to discreetly give Ransom just before he disappeared up the stairs.

As soon as Harlan was out of view, Ransom turned to you and said, "He's trying to set us up."


"I don't mind though." He sat himself down on the couch, opposite of where you were reading, and started to skim over your schedules. "So, what made you start interning for my grandfather?"

You followed his lead, sitting down where you previously were. "Well, I'm taking a break from where I work to get more into writing. I'm just going to be here for the summer."

"I don't think it was a coincidence that I'm scheduled to be here the same days and the exact same hours as you. Harlan wants us to get to know each other." He leaned his chin on his hand. "And not just platonically."

"Well, once that man has his mind made up..."

"It's hard to get him to stop," Ransom finished.

You smiled fondly. "Yeah..."

He ran his hand over his mouth and clean-shaven chin, then cocked his head to the other side. "I'm attracted to you," he said simply.

"Way to be blunt."

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