Ch. 3 - The Party

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Warnings- swearing, modern politics, smut

I did not include which side you take on politics as there are many different opinions on Wattpad. Please don't comment anything disrespectful to any side. 

"Ransom? Are you almost ready? We'll be late if we wait any longer!"

Ransom wandered out from the kitchen to the entrance to his house, where you were standing, ready to leave. "Yeah, just gotta get something upstairs real quick."


He jogged back down the stairs, kissing your cheek and saying, "Let's go." You were halfway out the door when he said, "Wait, wait, wait, wait!"

He pulled you in by your waist and kissed you softly. He leaned so far into you, trying to get as close as possible, that your back was bent and he was practically the only thing keeping you from falling.

When he released you, he said, "Now we can go."

Ransom and you have been happily dating for three years. Most of his family welcomed you with open arms, and you couldn't have been more grateful. Ever since your own family passed away, you've found solace in Ransom's. Well, only when they weren't arguing, which wasn't often.

You both took his Beemer to Harlan's 85th birthday party. It was more of an excuse to get the whole family together again, as there were some problems pertaining to only a select few members of the family.

Who were you kidding? It was the entire family. Including Ransom, but you still loved him.

Harlan was the one who introduced you to Ransom. You felt that you owed him your relationship and the successful books you had written since you interned for him.

You gave your final drafts to Harlan, and he went over them before giving them to his son, Walter, to be published. You were writing at least a book a year, and they each made it onto best seller's and won a few awards. You wouldn't be this successful without Harlan.

And Harlan was the one who pushed you to be around Ransom, most likely on purpose, which made you eventually say yes to going out with him. And here you both were, three years later, happy and in love.

Ransom didn't fit in completely, you could sense it from when you first came to one of the family's game nights. He really was the black sheep, but they still loved him despite. One thing you didn't like was how rude they could get to him, it brought out the nasty side of him.

Ransom pulled up to Harlan's beautiful lakeside mansion and got out of the Beemer. He came around to your side and opened the door for you since you were holding Harlan's gift and your guys' input for food, which was homemade hotdish that you had made for Harlan many times before.

He knocked on the door, and the housekeeper, Fran, was there to open it.

You exchanged greetings with the family. Ransom said hello to a few people before taking the hotdish to the kitchen. You hugged Linda as Harlan came from the living room.

"Y/n! I knew you'd make it," he said.

"Of course! It's not everyday you turn 85. Here's your gift, open it with Marta," you replied, handing him your present.

He gave you a hug in thanks, going to find his nurse to open his gift. You had gotten him a brand new Go set, since you knew him and Marta played it every day.

You found Ransom eating dinner at the dining table. You joined him and ate some of the hotdish you had brought, along with the leftover food.

When you were done, Ransom suddenly stood up and called everyone into the dining room.

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