Ch. 4 - Eat Shit

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Warnings- swearing

The next morning, you woke up late. Ransom wasn't beside you, which was strange considering he wasn't that much of an early riser.

You got dressed before heading down the stairs. You saw Ransom on his couch, head in his hands.

After his late night drive and the fact that you two fucked over your engagement, you would have expected him to be more chipper this morning.

Was he still upset from his fight with Harlan? Normally, his arguments with his grandfather never fazed him this much.

"Ransom? What's wrong?"

You stood by his slumped form, rubbing his shoulders in comfort. He moved to rest his head on your stomach, wrapping his arms around you and breathing deeply.

"It's my grandfather. They found him dead this morning, suicide."


You stood in an all black dress at Harlan's funeral, mourning the loss of your mentor and friend. Ransom wasn't feeling well so he didn't come with you. You watched as the coffin was buried into the ground, and as his family placed flowers upon the dirt.

When you got back to the mansion, there was a ton of police there. You understood why of course, but you felt it was unnecessary to do this on Harlan's funeral day.

You walked Marta inside, she wasn't at the funeral. Meg was smoking on the patio.

Lots of the family smoked. You were glad Ransom didn't, you found it highly repulsive.

"How you doing, kiddo?" Linda greeted Marta as she showed up.

"Linda. How are you?"

She sighed, "You know, the funeral helped I guess. Just seeing him. I thought you should have been there. I was outvoted."

Suddenly, you heard Ransom's father yelling from inside the house. "Get arrested! Die up your own ass for all I care."

"Richard," Linda said sternly.

Richard ended whatever phone call he was on. "He's not coming."

Marta looked at Richard in confusion.

"Ransom. Little shit. Missed the funeral," he clarified.

"He has a stomach bug, he isn't feeling well," you defended. You were slightly taken aback from the way Richard talked to and about your fiancé.


An officer interrupt, "Excuse me. Uh, we're ready for you, now. We'd like to see you one at a time."

"Alright, I'll go first." Linda said. I'm assuming this will be all wrapped up before the memorial tonight."

"We'll do our best, ma'am."


A few family members have been through the questioning, and eventually it was your turn. You were led upstairs, where three men were ready to interrogate you. You didn't understand why you were being questioned, you already had thorough background checks as an officer.

"We're just going to reintroduce ourselves as a formality. I am Detective Lieutenant Elliot, and this is Trooper Wagner. Now, I'm going to record this just to make things easier." A man sitting on the couch across from you put a recording phone on the coffee table.

"All right, we're with y/n m/n l/n, Harlan Thrombeys' grandson's fiancée. And we're discussing the events that took place the night of his demise one week ago, November 8th."

Eat Shit | Ransom Drysdale x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now