Sophie woke up later than usual, since she was tired from playing Spirits for so long last night. Most of the campers were awake already, except for Sadie, who could sleep through a LOT.
Hazel was the first one to see Sophie wake up, and Ella, who Sophie had made a habit of hiding so that the campers didn't see.
Hazel told her "I like your stuffed animal. What's her name?"
Sophie smiled, then stood up to get ready for the day. "Ella. I know it's silly, but I named her when I was like three, so... yeah."
Sophie got ready for today quickly, since during the X-plore hour, they had planned a geocaching trip around the camp, which would take a while.
The day passed in a blur, though, and soon it was quiet time, Sophie reading a book on relative theory (and editing it based on the TRUE laws of physics, in Elven of course so no snooping campers learned about light leaping.)
She had gotten more than a few strange looks, and Alex was watching her from behind a book, so she put it away and pulled out a dog eared fiction book she had collected.
The sight of the cover made Alex choke a bit, and Sophie put it away despite her confusion. Maybe Alex had read the book before and didn't like it, because the character with her name was dead. Sophie knew that would trip her up too.
Comics. A comic book was safe. The rest of the night was passed without any more weirdness, but Sophie found herself wondering why Alex had reacted that way.
The schedule was rather confusing, and Annabeth was sure she could have made it even better. Today was another water day, except apparently one of the other groves had asked the maintenance guys to set up a zipline, which was easily the star of the day. Annabeth did like that there was a pattern, even if it was a bit weird.
That night, there was a slightly different game, Archers at Midnight. The concept was simple. Everybody was wearing fuzzy vests, and the arrows were velcro.
The last team standing won, Girls vs. Boys. Annabeth ducked behind a tree as Percy went past her hiding place. Drawing her bow carefully, Annabeth fired, and the velcro arrow attached itself to his shoulder.
She nodded, and Percy smiled, then headed towards the center area that served as the hangout spot for everyone that had been 'shot'.
Keefe, Fitz, Tam, Dex, Magnus, Jason, Will, AND Nico were visible to Annabeth, and she could hear them grumbling about Sophie, who was tucked in a secret area, hitting anyone who tried to grab their flag without ever being seen.
Annabeth ventured towards the boy's flag, but came too close to the large clearing. Frank, who had been crawling towards the girl's base, lifted his bow and shot Annabeth. However, the sudden movement was enough to tip Sophie off that he was there, and Frank very quickly had an arrow velcroed to his back.
After that, the tide of the game began to turn, with just as many boys as girls joining the 'afterlife', until all that was left was Leo and Sophie. There was a slight rustle, and Sophie jumped from one of the trees into another, then again, leaving everyone below with an expression of awe.
Magnus watched Sophie jumping from tree to tree. No wonder her arrows always hit! Leo didn't stand a chance.
Soon, the trees stopped rustling, and there was a cry of surprise from Leo. Sophie burst out of the bushes, ping ponging from tree trunk to tree trunk, then as soon as she got a few feet from the woods, taking a position on the picnic bench and getting Leo out with a smile.
How had she even...?
The feats of strength she was showing made Magnus wonder just exactly what in the name of the gods was going on with the counselors.
Something freaky was going on at this camp.
The counselors were so weird. What was even freakier was the fact that Sophie hadn't seemed to even be looking at the relativity books' pages, just jotting down notes! Add that to the innocent obliviousness, the fierce side that showed itself in competition and the strange, almost sibling like relationship between the counselors, and something was definitely up.
They were vegetarians, though, and had had plenty of chances to hurt them, but didn't. Sadie, for whatever reason, trusted the sweet counselor and her friends. She liked to think that she had very good instincts, and they told her that whatever, whoever, their counselors were, they were good guys.
Still, Sadie didn't like secrets.
She would tell the other girls her theory while Sophie was out that night and ask Sophie a few questions tomorrow night. Sadie jumped in surprise when Keefe melted out of a pathway she hadn't even noticed before and walked into the center of the grove, calling over his shoulder in some sort of language. Sadie expected to see Sophie behind him, so her suspicions were raised further when she realized Sophie was over by the picnic benches. Who was Keefe talking to?
Ooh, who might it be??
I already know what I want to do, but I want to see who y'all think it is, galactlings!
Let me know :)
Camp Wildheart
FanfictionA fanfiction of Keeper of the Lost Cities and the Riordanverse You should be well versed with the Riordanverse, except ToA. This writing is based so that it does not depend on knowing the whole of the series. Still, it is reccommended to be familiar...