Chapter 2:

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I sat in the cafe at a table with Lila, we de-transformed and we're laughing over how dense those superhero's were. I stirred my coffee and watched the steam arise from the cup, "You know, that cat needs to stop the whole flirting act. It doesn't work on me, It never will. Like come on you're in a cat costume, not Leonardo DiCaprio. Like pack it up chef boyardee." She laughed, we both loved that tiktok sound. 

"I'm glad I have someone to share this all with, I enjoy talking about how dense these people can be. Like, I could do your job better than you, shut up." I laughed, we both know we'd make better hero's than them. "Totally agree on the flirting though, that's just odd. Even if it is a tactic, I don't think a villain would fall that fast for someone who's in a cat suit who also couldn't defend themselves and ended up against a wall." 

"Exactly, that bug though... Something seems off about her, like maybe I know her? Maybe someone I dislike... I don't know, I don't like it." The bell to the cafe door rung, swinging open and someone scraping a chair across the floor.

The person, was Nathalie. "Do you not like it because Chat flirts with her? Seems to me as if you are jealous." She sat backwards on the chair, leaning in to the table so she could hear both of us over the loud ambience in the cafe. 

"What? Me like, that guy?" I pointed to his poster on the theater across the street. "Never in a million years."

"What about during one of his nine lives?" Lila mentioned and wiggled her eyebrows jokingly. Nathalie punched me in the arm and laughed along at Lila.

"Guys, stop. I'd rather have a villain, someone who understands me, who gets it. I want someone who would help me do terrible things, instead of try and get me to be a goody two shoes." They both laughed and I called the waiter over, "Can I please get a chocolate croissant and iced black coffee? Thanks!" He walked off and I went back to going on, "I don't want him or his stupid crush "bugaboo" No, not for me. The nicknames too, like m'lady? Who would want to be called a 'princess'? I'm not a princess, think of me as a queen." Lila laughed along with me. 

"The fairest of them all." We all laughed, Nathalie was like a mother figure to me and Lila as a sister. I trust them more than anyone. "Also, I think I might like that cat..." for some reason that infuriated me... A feeling of rage flashed across my face, the thought of them... No, snap out of it! I don't care about that cat, never have, never will!! 

"Oh, uhm... why would you say that?" Of course this would happen to me, of course I felt crushed, of course the people I trusted went and took something yet again, and there I was feeling useless, yet again. 

"Honestly, I don't know... He's just so strong and... dreamy. I don't know, It just seems right!" I couldn't control my emotions, the thought of smashing my fist against the table was so strong. 

"Excuse me." Was this feeling anger? sadness? both...? I- I can't like him! She's joking, probably right?!? I head towards the bathroom and fell into a stall, banging my head against the stall door. "WHY. WHY. WH-" I was cut off by a feminine voice. 

"Alex? I- It's Alya, are you... alright?"I open the stall door to see a concerned look across her face, "Hey, it's alright. Come here." My mascara was running, a single tear ran down my cheek. I thought I was immune to all this after all that's gone on, it's the first time I've cried in months. 

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a burden." A sniffle escaped my nose as Alya pulled back to look me in the eyes. 

"You're not a burden, never have been. I'm sure whatever happened, it's gonna be okay. Would you like to talk about it?" I collapsed in her arms and she just hugged me, "Alexandra, you're my best friend. I'm always gonna be here, promise." I tried to think of a way to explain without, well explaining. 

"Well, let's just say I thought I didn't like this guy, until someone else was after him... Someone I trusted and now the thought of them being together is circling my brain and it hurts, I never thought I'd like him but seeing him with someone else hurts. I don't know if I'm in love, jealous, scared, I feel all of it. I haven't cried in months and I feel odd, I've never been in touch with my emotions but this made me feel like I was." She was shocked at first, it's the first time she had saw me cry in a long time. 

"If it's meant to be he'll come to you and not them, if you truly like him show him, before he moves on. If he knows he likes you, he'll go for you. If not, he missed out on the best thing that could ever happen to him. You may have had a bad past, but it doesn't define your future. You can change, I know you can, you already have. Okay? So, come here and you're gonna wipe those tears and we are gonna go have the time of our life at Adrien's party tonight!" 

"You really are the best, best friend I could ever ask for Alya. I'm trying, I promise. The party sounds fun, count me in." 

I fell for the cat on all four paws | Chat noir x readerWhere stories live. Discover now