Chapter 4:

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I wake up after a night of partying, my Kwami still in his bed. I look up at the time, 11:47 not too bad. I got up and got into the shower, once I got out I styled my hair and blowdried it. I did my usual middle part and brushed my teeth, using a whitening strip since I didn't have to be anywhere at a certain time. I put on some small false lashes, black lipstick, tad bit of concealer, and topped it off with eyeliner. I took off the whitening strips and headed out of my bathroom with my towel wrapped around me, I picked out my outfit, desperately looking around my huge closet. 

A graphic sweatshirt, ripped jeans, and combat boots. Reference:

Once I put it on I looked in my full body mirror and picked up my phone

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Once I put it on I looked in my full body mirror and picked up my phone. I had a missed call from Marinette... lovely

"Hi, Mari. What's up? Sorry for not responding sooner, I just got ready." I didn't want to be on the phone with her, but here I am. 

"I mean, I honestly need to talk to you. You don't even have to talk, just listen, carefully." She sounded so harsh, worryingly harsh. 

"Okay? Girl, I'm confused, I'm sorry if I did something." No I'm not, Marinette has always hated me, yet acts like an angel in front of the others. 

"Well, I overheard what you said to Alya and I heard what you said to Adrien, would you like me to tell both of them what went down? I will ruin your entire life, you know I like Adrien, yet you still tease him for having a crush on him." I literally just laughed at her statement. "I'm being serious!" 

"Yeah okay, all I said to Alya was that I teased him and that I should probably give the kid a chance. What I said to Adrien was me teasing him and said I might possibly return his feelings, how would either of those "ruin my life"? I'm sorry, but this makes you sound crazy." I could hear angry and infuriated noises come from the phone, "Hello?" No response, "Hello?" Call ended, well okay. I texted both Alya and Adrien saying if they received anything from Marinette about me being crazy or saying something to not believe it. I didn't give any other detail, just enough for them to be cautious and to not immediately believe something. I head into my kitchen and grabbed a coffee, throwing some grapes in my bag for Raven. I heard an inaudible chewing sound come from my bag so I knew he was eating. "Enjoy." I went out the door and hopped onto my motorbike, driving through Paris. I saw my favorite bakery across the street, Marinette's parent's bakery competitor, not to get under her skin just because I've had these since I was a kid and enjoy them. I went into the store and hugged my old friend who runs the bakery, "Hey! It's been a while. The usual please." 

"Ah Alex, it's been a while. I finally got full ownership of the store from my dad. Go ahead, come behind the counter, you know where the frosting is right?" I nod my head and she sends me over there, "I am so glad to hear from you, remember my Aunt Jackie? Mhm, she ended up in jail after publicly robbing someone, it was uh, brutal." I gasp and hand her the frosting, "The filling for the macaroons moved to the second fridge by the way if you could grab that!" I headed over to grab it, "Also, my mom finally got full custody of my siblings. Life's been finally good, you?" This was my old childhood best friend, Jasmine, aka Jazzy. Jazz has always been fully aware of Hawkmoth and what I do, she doesn't mind, it's her and I's secret that she knows, I told her everything and of course she never told anyone she knew.

"Well, the whole Villain thing, going amazing. I mean it, honestly I can't believe how it's taken off." I handed her the macaroon filling. "I think I've fallen for the cat though... I don't know why and I'd never admit it to him, but he has some sort of charm. Sad thing is, it's basically forbidden and I would have to be good from then on. Which sucks honestly, I don't think 'good' is in my blood, I'm more the 'I'm the villain and I'd sacrifice the world for you', y'know?" She laughed as she frosted some freshly baked donuts she had just put in the oven an hour or two ago. 

"Yeah, you aren't the good type. Although, I know if you really wanted to, you'd do it. It depends if you think changing yourself is needed, you shouldn't change yourself for a boy, but to change yourself because you want to, and you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who is the opposite of what you are. I know whatever choice you make will be the right choice, Allie. Now come on, help me put the filling in these macaroons." I finished helping her and we chatted about life, she sent me on with my macaroons and doughnuts, "I'll see you next time! Call me sometime." I walked out of the bakery and saw Adrien going into Fencing lessons, just when I heard a loud crashing sound, a new acumatized villain, perfect. A smirk was now plastered onto my face, I headed into an alleyway, "Raven, Spread my wings." I whispered and was quickly transformed, "Perfecto." I jumped on top of buildings to get a better view, Volpina was already there. 

"Why hello there, miss perfect. Hanging around with Alya and Chloe now? I thought you said they were just goody two shoes you couldn't care less about. Guess you weren't really cut out to be a villain." I went to stand next to her, "Now trying to be all friendly, backstabber?" 

"Are you trying to be a pain? I said I liked the cat, this isn't follow the leader imbecile. When is it going to get into your thick skull that you don't have to be like someone to be fond of them? Stop copying others, be yourself. No wonder you have the power of illusions, you are fake as can be." I stormed off and hopped onto a taller building for a better look, Stormy weather huh? Third time she's been acumatized, she already knows who I am, piece of cake. I slid down the building and stood next to her. "Nice to see you again, Stormy." 

"Likewise, Corvina. I'm assuming you've met these two?" I snicker and look Chat dead in the eyes, our eyes meeting and locking. 

"Like always, they're weak, especially the bug. Leave the cat to me." She laughs manically and I walk around him, "Well, well, well, we have the purr machine again. Did I really do that much damage last time?" He stared at me, oddly enough he just stared at me until... 

"M'lady if you wanted a staring contest, you could've just asked."

I fell for the cat on all four paws | Chat noir x readerWhere stories live. Discover now