Chapter 9:

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My eyes fluttered open, flashes of a grey brick wall coming into my blurry vision. I tried to move my hands and they wouldn't budge, my eyes fully opened and a gasp escaped my mouth. I looked around franticly, I was in a cell with grey brick walls, jail bars with a lock, one tiny window, a slot for what I'm assuming trays of food came through, another locked door to another room, and one poorly installed light which was slowly but surely falling out of the white ceiling which was collapsing. I was on a wooden chair, my hands tied behind the chair, my legs tied to the legs of the chair, and tape covering my mouth. My weapons were gone, I felt hopeless and useless. I scooted my chair over to the cell door, hoping to see something or anything, even if it was a poorly drawn picture. I looked around and saw nothing but walls and walls, maybe some sort of maze? I was confused, why was I here? Who brought me here? Why didn't they take my miraculous? Whoever it was, they didn't think it well out. Suddenly a idea popped into my mind, I still had my powers, just not my weapons. I was able to speak through the tape, it was muffled, but I could still hum the tune which brought the crows my way. "hoo, hoo, hoo." Next thing you know, crows flew into the tiny window which was left open. Whoever this was, was stupid, why let you at least have a window or not take my miraculous? Crows fell onto my arm, One started picking on the rope around my hands, leaving them all to follow that crow and to undo the restraint around my arms. In a matter of minutes, my hands were free, and they flew back out. I ripped the tape off my mouth, and undid the restraints on my ankles. A small and quiet laugh came out as I looked around for anything to let me out, I saw keys on the wall about 2 feet away. I used my telekinesis to bring the keys toward me, leaving them in my hands. I undid the lock and the door flew open, I grabbed the keys considering their was multiple and brought them with me. I walked through the hallway, still wearing my dress from before. I heard someone come down the hallway, screams were heard from afar. 

"WHERE'D YOU PUT HER? WHERE IS SHE? LET ME GO, I DID NOTHING TO Y-" I heard a loud bang and they must've been hit in the head... Where was I? How did I get here...? I saw someone come down the hallway and I hid in a closet with a window so I could look out. It was Chat, who was now knocked out and being carried away by none other than Lila. That explains why my stuff wasn't fully taken away, she was dense as could be. I saw my scythe and knives were in the closet with me. 

"NO, WHERE DID ALEXANDRA GO? How was she able to escape??" I- Miss girl- I grabbed my Scythe and Knives, walking out of the closet to see Lila who was panicking. 

"Looking for me?" A sinister smile spread across my face, I put my knives in my belt, and held my scythe in my hand. 

"How did you even escape? How did you find your weapons? How did you get out- without them?" I laugh and she stared at me in fear. 

"Well, you didn't take my miraculous. Crow's untied me, I hid in the closet and found my weapons. Oh, and I used my telekinesis to get the keys of the wall!" She looked surprised, "I told you I was powerful, wether I had my weapons or not. I think the scythe just adds to the look, don't you think?" She backed up against a wall, grasping a secret door embedded in the wall. "Okay, so this can go two ways. You release the kitten and all the others here or I can throw you in one of these cells and get him out myself. Which do you prefer?" She tried to back up more, but she was already towards the wall and she banged her head. "Nice decision." I threw her into a cell and closed the cell door, grabbed her miraculous, and planned on giving it back to Rena Rouge. "Sorry?" I muttered as I locked the door and kept the keys on me. I walked towards the cat who was knocked flat out on the floor, "Oh my lord, kitty..." I rushed to him and his eyes fluttered open, taking in the scenery. "I am so sorry kitten, if I had known you would've gotten roped into this-" 

"Shh m'lady, I would've taken a bullet for you. This is nothing, I'd go to the end of the earth for you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." His eyes were open all the way, gazing into mine. "God, you're so beautiful." I felt blush rise to my face, I opened my hand, got up, and held it out towards him. 

"Dance with me, why don't you?" He pretended to not take it, "Kitten, I don't like this game you're playing. Dance with me." He laughed and grabbed my hand, "How'd I do?" 

"Spot on, princess." We ran through the hallways, trying to find an exit, but I was just soaking in the moment. I didn't expect it to be, well here. But it was a moment I'd been waiting for a while now, I felt like I was in one of those 2000's coming of age movies. Our hands interlocking, us running, pulling eachother along. We found the exit and I fell onto the ground outside, purposefully. 

"Even if I was gonna die, that would've been a pretty exciting way to die don't you think?" He pulled me back up and laughed. 

"I mean, there's rather more excitin-" I cut him off with a kiss, the moonlight reflecting onto us, he grabbed my waist, and I threw my hands over his neck. He pulled back for air, staring into my eyes, "Now this, this is way better than dying in a cell." 

"I know right, pretty exciting isn't it?" He leaned back in, sweeping me off my feet, literally. He lifted me up off the ground and I was just feeling on top of the world, the cool breeze, the warmth of him, and feeling like I finally belonged. "Well, at least I'm here with you. Maybe being the villain of your story is fun, but finding the true hero you needed to dig you out of that hole, is more important to the ending."

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