Chapter 7:

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I woke up to an invitation on my window, I looked around, no one in sight, I opened the envelope and of course it was from Volpina. It read, "Inviting all superhero's, villains, and everyone in between to a Gala tonight at 8 pm. Come wearing formal outfits, suits and dresses." Okay, this is either a horribly planned out plan or she's trying to get that stupid cat there. Either way, I'm going. I hopped on my motorbike and headed over to the Agreste mansion. I went to the voicebox, "Alexandra Monroe, here for Gabriel Agreste. To discuss designs, and more." As much as I hated having to go to him, I had too. Even if he tried to keep us apart. Nathalie opened the gate as my black heels hit the concrete ground, the door flew open by none other than Adrien. "Fancy to see you here." He looked amazed, I just headed towards his fathers office. "Hey, we have a little problem to discuss." His chair turned around and his hands intertwined and he leaned his elbows on the desk.

"Have a seat and shut the door, Monroe." I shut the door, put my handbag to the side of the chair, and sat down in the red velvet seat. "Go on, Alexandra." 

"Look at the invitation that popped into my window cell today, we already know she's spilling information and she's tried to blame old problems on me. She went as far as to say she liked someone I liked, the whole reason this is being thrown. It's a mess, Mr. Agreste. I think we need to do the upgrade mentioned in the guardians old book, we need to be covered but with something that fit's the dress code. Even if it is a trap, we need to explore what her bigger plans are." He nodded his head and pulled out the book from his desk, "Perfect, Agreste." 

"Here, grab these ingredients from my kitchen." I took a picture of the scripture with my phone and headed downstairs, I grabbed Basil, Spearmint, Water, and one piece of fabric. Adrien walked into the kitchen behind me, staring oddly. 

"Oh, hey! Just uhm.... Erm, period cravings ha." He walked out, not wanting to deal with my 'lady problems'. I grabbed the ingredients of the counter and headed back up to his office, closing the door behind me and laying them out on the table. After countless tries, the potion was made, putting into whatever our Kwami's ate. "Thank you, I'll see you at 7 tonight. Call me if you need anything." I walked out and waved goodbye, hiding my portion of the potion in my purse. I walk down and wave to Nathalie, hopped back on my bike, and went by the boutique. "Hi, Sheryl! I'm back for a new dress!" 

"Oh, Alexandra! I had a new arrival last week, I think it would be perfect for you. Let me grab it." She had gone into the back and I looked around at the jewelry, a pair of black earrings caught my attention, they were black rhinestones and were in that normal dangly earring shape. Just then Sheryl had come back out, I grabbed the earrings and put them on the counter. "Darling, those are beautiful!" 

"If you don't mind can I leave those here for now miss?" She nodded her head and held out a black floor length gown, "That is stunning. May I try it on?" 

"Of course dear! I'll ring these on the register while you try it on, again if you don't like it tell me darling! I'll gladly help you choose something more you." She had a southern accent, it was comforting. I headed into the dressing room, took off my clothes, and slid the dress on. It fit me perfectly, I was amazed. 

I went out, "This is so beautiful, I swear your like a magician! Everything you recommend, looks so stunning

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I went out, "This is so beautiful, I swear your like a magician! Everything you recommend, looks so stunning." A warm smile came across her face as she made her way towards where I was. 

"Sweetie, this looks so gorgeous on you. Here, try these shoes on with it."She handed me black stilettos that had diamonds on the back. 

"These look amazing, I'll slip them on." I ended up buying the shoes, dress, earrings, and the matching necklace. "Thank you so much! Have an amazing day, Sheryl!" I walk out and head back home with all my things, I got to my room and added the fabric of everything into the potion. I had Raven eat the grape filled with it and transformed, it was 6:45 and I was already in my gown. I went out the window and jumped onto buildings, until I arrived at the Gala Volpina had rented. Everyone else was there, I walked through the door, slowly strutting down the staircase, leaving everyone around me dumbfounded and just staring. I arrived down onto the dance floor and grabbed a cup of punch off the table, I went around and stared at everyone as I walked on the floor, my heels clicking and clacking as I walked. I saw a familiar cat out of my eye and propped myself up against a wall, waiting for someone to approach me. Just then, a familiar cat came over propping himself up against the wall beside me. "Surprised you came." I took another sip out of my cup as the cat stared at me. 

"Likewise, I would've thought you passed up things like this." I laugh and he took another sip of his drink, as we stared at each other. 

"I normally do, except when it's someone I need to get desperate revenge on. She took the gun, I just pulled the trigger for her." I took a sip of my drink and pushed my hair out of my face, just then the cat's hand was in front of me. 

"Dance with me, M'lady." I stood there, glancing at the tall blonde. "Princess, I don't tolerate this game." His hand was over my shoulder, leaning in to my ear. "Dance with me." his tone softened, into a whisper. 

"Fine, kitten." I whispered back, He leaned back and held out his hand once more. 

"Don't make me have to make you take my hand, m'lady." I took his hand, almost everyone watching the most important one, Volpina. He led me onto the dance floor, he grabbed my waist, and I wrapped my hands around his neck. A slow song came on and I rested my head on his shoulder, "So, this is how I get you to flirt back. Alright, game on." 

"No, it's really not. I'd rather not have to publicly reject you, at least not in front of all these people I mostly hate." He chuckled, I feel like he knew deep down that wasn't the truth, but I find it fun to mess with him. 

"Well, at least I get to dance with you. Better than nothing." Volpina came into my vision, I dug my head deeper into the crook of his neck. "You okay?" A concerned look spread across his face, as we continued dancing on the dance floor. 

"Everything's just... perfect. If this moment could last forever on an endless loop, it would be a record I'd have on repeat." I felt a flush of blush rise to the surface of my face, I hid it immediately. "Only because I get to watch the-" 

"The people you hate suffer as they watch you be happy?" A surprised look came across my face, he's actually listening when I talk.  

"Dang, you know me extremely well kitty." He chuckled again, twirling me across the dance floor. I kept laughing as I felt all my surroundings spin, I was pulled back in and I felt the heat rise off his chest, his warm breath, the way he held me, and the smiles and laughs that came out of his mouth. I observed it all and for some strange reason I enjoyed it. Just then the roof collapsed, chat moved us out of the way as we fell to the ground, back against the wall, and our breaths going in and out. We heard screams and started frantically looking around, Volpina had busted through the roof. "Well, well, well... The fox still hasn't learned how to be sly." Hawkmoth, Nathalie, and I stared at her. "Get out of here Chat, terrible things are about to be said. I'll be fine, I promise."

"Be safe." I nodded and stared at the familiar fox in front of us, she twirled her hair, and started at us with a sinister smile. 

"I thought you said nothing was going on between you two." She stared and I laughed in her face. 

"Oh honey, you clearly don't know what a tactic is. The whole getting upset in front of you, all an act. Someone sign me up for a movie!" I laughed and walked around the target in circles, her eyes following mine. 

I fell for the cat on all four paws | Chat noir x readerWhere stories live. Discover now