Chapter 6:

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Soon enough Stormy Weather was de-evilized, Ladybug was severely injured, and Chat was panicking about the whole situation. "Calm down kitten, she'll be fine. She may just be a bit... fragile."

"Why do you take everything out on me? What did I do to you? You treat Chaton with so much respect, but not me." The bug kept grasping her wound. 

"It's only gonna be a few stitches relax, why don't we go through the list of why your partner is the better choice? One, he's a black cat, aka bad luck. Two, bugs are defenseless, Cat's fight back. Three, he didn't charge at me but actually questioned me- Shall I continue bugette?" Her eyes filled with rage, still grasping her leg injury. "Relax, you're not gonna die or anything. Actually in fact, I made it to where you wouldn't die, I like to tool with my prey dear. I hope you enjoy the party, little bug. It's just getting started." She heard her earrings beep and she took off, the way she ran, made me wonder if she faked all her pain...It was all too perfectly set up. 

"Well, I haven't used my cataclysm yet so I won't have to run off, shall we?" I look down at my nails, paying little to no attention. "Oh, did you want me to shut up?" 

"Yeah actually, I don't really like the whole chit chat thing you have going on." I continue avoiding eye contact and he tilts my chin up to face him.

"As if you don't talk the whole time. All your speeches before lunging at someone?" A smirk appeared on his face, his hands rested on his staff.

"It's how a good villain, lures you in. It worked on you didn't it?" I let out a laugh, tilting my head, and rolling it back. 

"Don't make me make you regret teasing me." A laugh escaped my lips, I stared at him. "Oh come on, I have a way with words darling."

"As if you'd dare. You'd probably end up punched, kitten." I stopped laughing and gazed at him yet again.

"You haven't punched me so far, have you?" He laughed and leaned into his staff. 

"Oh, did you want me to chaton? I have it right here." I outstretched my fist, twisting and stretching it. 

"No need, princess." He brought his staff back and folded it, "Well, I probably need to get going. I have to go find some new prey, since you aren't interested." A smirk came across his face, I grabbed his wrist and leaned into his ear. 

"Go ahead and try to replace me, your staring at someone who's irreplaceable. No one can be like me, no matter how hard you try to squint at them. Have fun, lover boy." I walked off and basically strutted down the street, leaving him almost melting into the concrete road. I felt a feeling build up in my stomach, but surpassed it and decided to go on with my day. Only thing filling my thoughts was the cat. The voice in the back of my head telling me to not get my heart broken again and my heart telling me to go after what it wants. I didn't know what to listen to, who was right? Was either of them right? Would my feelings and emotions slowly break, yet again or would I be finally turning my life around? Just then, a call from Gabriel came in. "Hello, Gabriel." 

"Alexandra, how could you do this to all of us?" My voice wasn't coming out, a lump in my throat, a feeling of defeat, a feeling of betrayal sticking into my back again, and yet again I thought I was being backstabbed. "What are you doing with that stupid cat? Why do you think he's the answer?" My heart beating faster than normal, my face being flushed with embarrassment, and the feeling of being trapped between the two things I needed, I couldn't have them both, I wanted one and needed the other... But which was which?

"I'm not betraying anyone, Gabriel. I'm clearly luring him in, I would never betray you." I knew I was lying, I knew I wasn't supposed to love the kitten but I do, I won't stop them from letting me love who I love, my life went from being amazing to being a mess in less than two days. 

"Alright, Monroe. If you develop feelings, you're kicked off the mission." Lovely, just lovely. My life just became even more messy, my heart feels stabbed. 

"Got it." I hung up the phone, trembling in fear, breaking down with my back against a wall in an alleyway. I haven't felt like a mess in so long, I thought I was immune to all this, but I guess not. The rain picked up heavily as I sat in misery, just then that stupid cat ran down the alleyway. I didn't want to see him, I couldn't see him without feeling empty. 

"Corvina... I didn't do something right?" I couldn't keep eye contact with him, I felt horrible, he had done nothing and yet I felt like I couldn't face him. 

"No, you've done everything right kitty. It's just a stupid new rule from my boss, I can't say what it is. But it means I can't do what I want anymore, I can't be with who makes me happy." A single tear ran down my face, he was right in front of me, he leaned down, and wiped the tear with his hand. 

"I'm sorry, is there anything I can do?" He grabbed my hand and helped me up from the cold and wet cement, I wrapped my arms around him, he was shocked but eventually gave in. 

"You're doing it." I whispered into his ear, lowering my tone and feeling the warmth of his chest arise onto mine, his breath clearly visible in the cool air. His arms tightened around me, holding me under the rain as we both got drenched. "Thank you." I rested my head on his shoulder, melting into his warm embrace under the moonlight. 

"Of course, m'lady." We stayed there for maybe an hour, he then said his father wanted him home. I watched him run off as the warmth from him turned into cold air. All good things must come to an end don't they? I walked towards my street and de-transformed in an alleyway near my house, I walked into the cold and empty house making my way to my room. So much for home sweet home. I fell onto my bed and turned on the TV, Gabriel Agreste on the news. I switch channels, I didn't want to look at that despicable man. I soon drifted off to sleep as Friends played in the background. 

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