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Edward was closer to the new student. He spent most of his time with her at school. And they seemed to have been going out for a few weeks, he just hasn't revealed his biggest secret to her.

One evening I was at home reading a book. I went into Edward's room to talk to him for a while.

"What's up? How are you doing?" I asked him.

"Fine..." He answered me, probably trying to read my mind to find out what I wanted.

"That girl, Isabella Swan, is she really important to you?"

"Bella, it's just Bella. She doesn't like being called by her name. And yes, I think she is... I've never had this feeling with any other girl before."

"Ed, you know that deep down, even though I love Emmett and Jasper, you're my favorite brother. With the exception of Rosalie and Alice, you're the only sibling I tell my secrets, and I know you do the same with me. You're the only man of the family who knows my secrets..." I told him, he laughed a little. "And you know that all I want is you to be happy, and if that girl is really important to you I totally support you... I just don't want you to risk so much..."

"Violet, I love you too, I feel so grateful to be your brother and all, but if I need to risk myself for her..." He said, but he couldn't finish his sentence because I started having a vision.

The visions I had were not like Alice's, of the future. I had visions of present day events, sometimes when someone close to me was in danger somewhere, the vision of that person would come into my mind, as if I was that person. I saw everything that the person's eyes were seeing at that moment.

Since I cannot control my body when I have these visions, I fell to my knees on the floor, as if I could no longer support my own weight. Then Edward was amazed and helped me up.

"What happened Violet?"

"I just had a vision! I think it was Bella, she was in Port Angeles with two other friends, and then they went to dinner at a restaurant, but Bella wanted to buy a book alone and she would meet her friends later... When she was walking back from the bookstore to the restaurant she started being followed by a group of men!" I said, really scared.

"Are you sure she's in Port Angeles?"

"I am."

In less than a second he disappeared from my sight, got in his car, and drove off, as fast as he could, to save Bella from the men. I left the room, went downstairs, and into the living room, where the whole family was standing, confused, at Edward's sudden departure.

"What happened?" Carlisle asked me.

"I was talking to Edward in his room and I had a vision. Bella was in Port Angeles with her friends, and then they went to dinner and Bella went somewhere else by herself, and when she was meeting her friends at a restaurant she started being chased by a group of men. Edward is going to rescue her."

"Sit a little, honey, you're weak..." Esme guided me to the couch and sat beside me.

"Vi, could you see what's going on right now in Port Angeles? I don't want you to be weak again, try the mirror." Carlisle asked me.

Mirrors were a form of communication between witches. We could talk to other witches, a kind of Skype. And we could also see past or present events.

I went to the nearest mirror, I touched it, and said:

"Show me Isabella Swan."

The whole family was gathered around the mirror. And then the image began to appear. Bella was being followed by a group of men. She tried to lose them, but they cornered her on another street. She was left with no way out, and the men began to approach her, saying obscene things.

I began to remember Rosalie's rape, a group of men, who surrounded us in the street. I couldn't watch another second of that.

"I can't keep watching this!" I said while a cried.

Rosalie had already disappeared from the room because she couldn't see either.

I was leaving the room, when Alice called out to me, "Wait! Edward is coming!"

And then a car drove by very fast, which made the men back up. Edward got out of the car and ordered Bella to get in quickly.

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