Flashback 4 - New brother

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Rochester, New York, 1933

Rosalie needed to hunt more than a normal vampire to quench her thirst because she was a newborn. The first few times she went hunting, Edward and Carlisle accompanied her, this time Edward stayed home and Esme went in his place.

It has been almost two weeks since everything that has happened and changed my life. I am adjusting well to my new family, but I never got very close to Edward, only the day he took me back home the night my mother was killed. I was a little nervous, it would be just the two of us at home.

I was kind of lonely, lying on my side of the bed, facing the window. I was crying because I missed my biological family a lot, except for my father. I was also not ready to leave my hometown where I was born and raised.

Edward knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure." I said, my voice shaky and a little weak from crying.

He entered slowly and sat down at the edge  of the bed.

"Is everything alright, Violet?"

"Yeah..." but he knew it wasn't true.

"What's wrong? I know you're not okay, you're crying."

"I don't think you need to ask me, you could just read my mind and find out yourself."

I remained on my side, making it impossible for him to see my face.

"I wouldn't like to do that. Everytime I do, although sometimes I can't control my gift, I feel like I'm invading people's privacy, besides, I prefer if you tell me."

Then I turned around and sat on the bed facing him, wiping away my tears.

"Besides what happened a few weeks ago, I really miss my family, my mom, my aunt, and my brothers..."

"I can't fix what happened to Rosalie and you, but I could try helping you feel more at home, and I could help you feel more comfortable so maybe one day you could call us your family too. I'm really sorry about your mother. I want you to know that if you want to live with your aunt and your brothers I could take you, if you want. We'll understand."

"Thank you for everything, Edward. You, Esme and Carlisle have been helping me a lot. I'll just have to get used to living without my brothers and my aunt. I want to live with you guys."

"I am really surprised. I don't get it, you have the opportunity to live with your real family, but you're choosing to live with people you barely know?"

"Love is what makes us a family. I know I want to be with my brothers, but I rather be with you. Rosalie and I have a really close bond. I've never stopped loving her for not being a witch or because she's just my half-sister. We may be biologically just half-sisters, but she was always a real sister for me and she was always by my side. So I guess it's not worth it to live with my aunt, when Rosalie's right here. She was always the person I trusted the most."

"I don't know if anyone told you this, but you're really mature for someone your age. Most fourteen year olds don't think like that."

"I guess it helps the fact I'm a witch. I'll suffer without my brothers and my mother, but I would be suffering a lot more if I didn't live with Rose. I know you two don't really along, but I know the real Rosalie."

"It's not that I don't like her, I just don't like Carlisle trying to get us together..."

"And you're afraid to tell him that. Don't be, I'm sure Carlisle just want to see you happy, and if that's what you want, then that's what he wants too."

"Thank you, Violet. I don't think you know how I became a vampire. My mother and I were dying of Spanish flu, Carlisle was the doctor who was taking care of us, before my mother passed she asked him to do everything he could that other doctors couldn't do, so he transformed me. In my human life I never had the opportunity to have siblings. When my mother had me she never really thought about having more children. But I always wanted to have someone who I could share my secrets with, my feelings and thoughts, and when you're a child or a teenager our parents aren't the best for that. I think it will be really good to have you as my sister."

I cried internally with emotion at his words. We hugged each other tightly, but carefully, he didn't want to hurt me.

"If there is anything I could do to make you feel better, I would do anything for you." he said.

"You know, I didn't really have the chance to take something from my house to keep. I really wanted my mother's grimoires. I think it could help since I'm the only witch here."

"I think Carlisle wouldn't like that. But they're probably going to take a while to come back so I can try to take them for you. Where does she usually keep them?"

"I think it's all in the attic. Everytime my father went out she would go there."

Everytime I talked about my birth father I made a face without noticing.

"I'm sorry for asking, but why do you hate your father so much?"

"I never really hated him like I hate now. Well, since I was born he hoped for a boy, he never treated me like he did with Rosalie, buying her expensive clothes, I always got hand-me-downs. But he actually never treated badly, he just treated me indifferently, like I didn't even exist. Because for him I wasn't suppost to exist. But after what happened to Rosalie, he had the audacity to kill my mother, his own wife, and he was going to do that with his own kids... I expected that he wanted me dead, but not my brothers..."

"I'm really sorry about that. I don't know what's like since I'm not a woman and I was always an only child. But at least he was the only one who treated you like that, wasn't it?"

"My mother was always really protective over me, I have nothing to complain about her. I think all witches prefer having daughters than sons, due to the fact that only other women can be witches. So even though she already had Rosalie and she treated her like her own daughter, she was really happy when she had another daughter. Rosalie always knew how my father treated me, you know, he didn't even want to choose a name for me, Rose was the one who did. My brothers always treated me well, I was really protective with them like Rose is with me."

"If you could, would you get your revenge on your father?"

"I would."

"Well, now you have Carlisle, and I can assure you there isn't better father than him."

"Yeah, I guess so."

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