Caught in the act

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Carlisle explained everything that had happened to Jake. Meanwhile Seth and I went upstairs to my room and went to sleep, it was already early in the morning. 

The next morning we woke up, got up and changed our clothes. When we got downstairs I discovered that Alice had not yet returned. I wondered what Alice had seen that she had to leave immediately.

"Alice." was the first thing I said when I got to the living room.

"She's been gone a long time," Rose said.

"Where could she be?" I asked.

"We don't want to disturb..." Esme spoke, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"She's never taken so long before," Edward said. "Carlisle, you don't think—something preemptive? Would Alice have had time to see if they sent someone for her?"

Carlisle didn't answer him. They heard some noise coming from the woods.

"Stay with Renesmee!" Bella screamed at me.

Nessie was asleep on her crib in the living room. All the vampires shot out of the house and ran after the noise they heard.

"What happened?" I asked Seth and Jake.

"It's Sam. They went to where Sam's pack is." Jake said.

"Why?" I asked.

"They think Alice passed over there before she left." Seth told me.

A little after their departure, Ness woke up. I went to her crib and picked her up. She touched her hand on my cheek.

"They'll be back, Ness. Don't worry." I told her.

After a few minutes they were back. Well, all of them besides Bella and Edward.

"What happened?" Jake asked.

"When they left, Alice and Jasper met Sam's pack and handed them a note." Carlisle said.

"What did the note say?" I asked.

"To gather as many witnesses as possible. And to not look for them." Rose said.

"Where are Bella and Edward?" Seth asked.

"They went to their home before coming here." Rose said.

I noticed they were all anxious. Esme and Rose went to their rooms while Carlisle and Emmett went to the garage.

While holding Nessie, I went to Esme's room.

"What's happening, mom?" I asked her.

"Honey, Alice asked us to not waste time. We're packing bags so we can go find the witnesses."

She stopped packing things for a moment, she came to me and kissed my forhead, and then also kissed Nessie's.

I got down again to the living room. Jake and Seth were also not understanding anything.

"They're packing to go find the witnesses. They'll leave today." I told them.

Carlisle had put a globe in the living room. A few minutes later Bella and Edward came back.

"We're to stay here?" Edward asked.

"Alice said that we would have to show people Renesmee, and we would have to be careful about it," Carlisle said. "We'll send whomever we can find back here to you Edward, Violet, you'll be the best at fielding that particular minefield."

Carlisle wanted us to convince the witnesses that Nessie wasn't dangerous.

"There's a lot of ground to cover." Edward said.

"We're splitting up," Emmett answered. "Rose and I are hunting for nomads."

"You'll have your hands full here," Carlisle said. "Tanya's family will be here in the morning, and they have no idea why. First, you have to persuade them not to react the way Irina did. Second, you've got to find out what Alice meant about Eleazar. Then, after all that, will they stay to witness for us? It will start again as the others come—if we can persuade anyone to come in the first place. We'll be back to help as soon as we can."

Carlisle put his hand on Edward's shoulder and then kissed my forhead. Esme hugged Edward, Bella, and I. Rosalie and I hugged and then I hugged Emmett.

"Good luck," Edward and I told them.

"And to you," Carlisle said. "We'll all need it."

Nessie put her hand on my cheek again. "I don't know if dad's friends will come. I hope so. Sounds like we're a little outnumbered right now," I said. "No, we can't help; we've got to stay here. People are coming to see you, not the scenery."

She put her hand on Jake's cheek who was by my side. "No, I don't have to go anywhere. Do I?"

"The vampires who are coming to help us are not the same as we are," Edward said. "Tanya's family is the only one besides ours with a reverence for human life, and even they don't think much of werewolves. I think it might be safer—"

"I can take care of myself," Jake interrupted.

"Safer for Renesmee," Edward said. "if the choice to believe our story about her is not tainted by an association with werewolves."

"Some friends. They'd turn on you just because of who you hang out with now?" Jake asked.

"I think they would mostly be tolerant under normal circumstances. But you need to understand—accepting Nessie will not be a simple thing for any of them. Why make it even the slightest bit harder?"

"The immortal children were really that bad?" Seth asked.

"You can't imagine the depth of the scars they've left in the collective vampire psyche." Edward answered. "As long as you keep a safe distance from the main house..."

"I can do that. Company in the morning, huh?" Jake said.

"Yes. You should tell Sam what's going on. There might be strangers in the woods soon."

Jake left to tell what was going to happen to Sam and his pack. Bella took Renesmee and then they went to their house.

It was just Seth and I.

"I've never thought I'd have time with just you in my house." I said.

"We better enjoy it, then." Seth said.

We went to my room. I took off his clothes and he took off mine. The bed was still messed up from last night, so I covered my body with the blankets, I was on to of Seth, and we were kissing at the same time as I rolled my hips.

When Seth turned so now I was on my back, underneath him, the door opened, and Jake was standing there, mouth wide open, he was completely red-faced. Thank God the blanket was covering us.

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