Graduation party

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Everyone in the family who were at home helped with the decorations. We put twinkle lights on the trees near the house. When I finished with the lights I noticed Bella had arrived. Edward was waiting for her in the balcony. I heard a little of what they said.

"Unbelievable." Bella spoke, looking at the decoration.

"Alice will be Alice." Edward said.

The interior of our house had been transformed into a nightclub. Alice and I went to them.

"Edward!" Alice called him. "I need your advice. Should we give them familiar and comforting? Or educate their taste in music?"

"Keep it comforting," Edward recommended. "You can only lead the horse to water."

She went to the giant sound box we had installed earlier. Alice was stern and concentrated. She started throwing the educational CDs into a box. She was now wearing a sequined tank top and red leather pants. Bella also noticed Alice's new outfit.

"I think I'm underdressed." Bella spoke.

"You're perfect," Edward disagreed.

"You'll do," Alice said.

"Thanks. Do you really think people will come?" Bella asked.

"Everyone will come. They're all dying to see the inside of the reclusive Cullens' mystery house." I spoke.

"Fabulous." she moaned.

Edward dragged Bella along with him to talk with Jasper and Carlisle about Bella's revelation.

The guests started arriving. Alice turned the volume of the music up, then danced to get the door. The first to arrive were Bella's friends, they all came in the same car. Jessica and Mike walked in first, then Tyler, Conner, Austin, Lee, Samantha and even Lauren, the girl who envied everyone.

Bella went to greet Mike and Jessica, then both of them came to me.

"What's up, Violet? Mark told me what happened at the party! Since I was with some of my friends I didn't see you two." Mike spoke.

"Yeah... but I hope he didn't take too seriously what I'd done and said, you know, I wasn't in the best condition..." I told him.

"Of course! He also wasn't... Jessica and I had to take care of the poor guy after the party, he was sick, and we couldn't take him home like that."

"I hope no one found out."

They left and went to their group of friends. When I turned to look at the door, Jacob had arrived with Embry and Quil. I watched Bella greeting them, and at the same time she seemed like she was searching for us. All vampires left after the wolves arrival. I walked to them.

"There you are, Violet. For a second I thought all the Cullens had disappeared." Bella said.

"How you doing, Doll?" Jake spoke.

"Cool party, Rochester." Embry said.

"What's up, Hermione." Quil said.

I greeted them all. Bella and Jake started some argument, but I wasn't paying attention, so I stayed close to Quil and Embry. When we noticed, Alice was coming down the stairs, with fear in her eyes. She had seen something.

"I need to talk to you." she murmured to me and Bella.

"Er, Jake, I'll see you later..." Bella told him.

Jake threw his long arm out to block our way.

"Hey, not so fast."

"Excuse me?" Alice spoke, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Tell us what's going on," he demanded.

Jasper appeared out of nowhere and was standing on the other side of Jake's arm. He slowly pulled his arm back.

"We have a right to know." Jake muttered.

"What did you see, Alice?" Bella asked.

"The decision's been made."

"You're going to Seattle?"

"They're coming here." I concluded.

"Yes." Alice said. "One carried your red shirt." she turned to Bella.

"We can't let them come that far. There aren't enough of us to protect the town." I said.

"I know," Alice said. "But it doesn't matter where we stop them. There still won't be enough of us, and some of them will come here to search."

"Alice, I have to go, I have to get away from here." Bella spoke.

"That won't help. It's not like we're dealing with a tracker. They'll still come looking here first."

"Hold it. What is coming?" Jacob asked us.

"Our kind. Lots of them." Alice told him.


"For Bella. That's all we know." Alice answered.

"There are too many for you?"

"We have a few advantages, dog. It will be an even fight." Jasper spoke.

"No, it won't be even."

"Excellent!" Alice hissed.

For the first time, Alice grinned at Jacob and he grinned back. The wolves would fight with us.

"Everything just disappeared, of course. That's inconvenient, but, all things considered, I'll take it. Violet, we won't be needing you, spare your energy for the next time."

"We'll have to coordinate. It won't be easy for us. Still, this is our job more than yours." Jake said.

Alice and Jacob arranged everything. For the very first time the wolves would team up with the vampires.

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