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Edward and Bella's relationship was getting more and more serious. Since Edward spent most of his time at her place, and left his family a little aside, he had a brilliant idea to get together. Baseball. On a cloudy afternoon, the family's favorite weather. I liked these family times we had, because they brought us together, and were increasingly rare, as everyone had their own companions, except Edward and me. Until now. I became the only one in the family without a husband or boyfriend.

I reflected sometimes, and although I had dated a few guys, I've never found the right one. Sometimes this made me a little sad, because most of the time everyone spends with their mates, I had Edward for company at least, now I don't even have that anymore. Esme and Carlisle obviously noticed my moments of sadness, although they are not as many as Edward had. Although I have no one, the whole family treats me as the youngest, which is still true, I am the youngest physically and chronologically.

They won't let me play, which makes me kind of sad, because I love Baseball. But I understand, they are very fast and strong, and it would be unfair for me to play together. When there is a game, I always sit on the bench reading something or just watching.

I got ready for the family game. I put on a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. I had already finished reading The Hunger Games, so I picked up The Lightning Thief to read during the game. We were going in four cars. In the Jeep, Emmett and Rosalie. In Alice's car, she and Jasper. Edward would pick Bella up from her house and I would go with Esme and Carlisle.

"Let's go dear, the others are going already." Esme said, excited for the family game, though she won't play.

"Do I really have to go? I mean, I won't even play..." I asked them.

"Let's go baby girl, you will make company to your mother and Bella." Carlisle said.

We got in the car, Carlisle was driving, Esme by his side and I was in the backseat.

"We will finally have a family game! It's been so long since we did that..." Esme said.

"Yeah, it'll be a great opportunity for us to know Bella." Carlisle.

"Are you excited honey?" Esme asked me.

"Though I won't be playing I think so..."

After a few minutes, we arrived at the field where the game was to be played. Edward and Bella had not yet arrived, but the rest was already waiting.

"Great! Now we just have to wait for Edward and Bella before the game begins!" Alice said.

While they were waiting for the two, Jasper and Rosalie practiced batting the ball, Emmett fetched and Alice threw, Carlisle and Esme chatted watching their children, while I stayed nearby already reading my book.

And then Bella and Edward came. She didn't seem like a sporty person, she shouldn't be very good with sports. Everyone was positioned. Esme was with Bella so I got up and went to join them.

"You don't play with them?" Bella asked us both.

"No, I prefer to referee, I like keeping them honest." Esme explained.

"And I don't play because they don't let me."

"Violet is kidding... They are way too fast and strong and could hurt her."

"Do they like to cheat then?" Bella asked.

"Oh yes! You should ask when they don't cheat! Especially Emmett." I said, Bella chuckled.

"You should hear the arguments they get into! Actually, I hope you don't, you would think they were raised by a pack of wolves." Esme said.

"You sound like my mom." Bella said, making Esme and I laugh. It was true, Esme sounded like any mother.

"Well, I do think of them as my children in most ways. I never could get over with my mothering instincts, did Edward tell you I had lost a child?"

"No." Bella murmured, she didn't know about Esme's backstory.

"Yes, my first and only baby. He died just a few days after he was born, the poor tiny thing." Esme sighed. "It broke my heart, that's why I jumped off the cliff, you know,"

"Edward just said you f-fell." Bella stammered, she didn't know how to react in that moment.

"Always the gentleman. Edward was the first one of my new sons. I'v always thought of him that way, even though he's older than I, in one way at least." She smiles at Bella. "That's why I'm so happy that he's hound you, dear. He's been the odd man out for far too long, it's hurt me to see him alone."

"At least you have 6 kids to fill." Bella said, trying to cheer Esme up.

"Each of them has a huge place in my heart. Edward is special, in certain ways. I think it's because he was the first."

"Thank you mom, I love you too." I said, jokingly, trying to relieve the strain.

"Violet is the most spiled by Carlisle and me. For being the youngest..." Esme said, laughing and hugging me.

They played, we spent a long time waching them. But then Alice suddenly gasped, something was wrong.

"Alice?" Esme called her.

"I didn't see... I couldn't tell." Alice whispered.

"What is it, Alice?" Carlisle asked her.

"They were travelling much quicker than I thought. I can see I had the perspective wrong before." she murmured.

Jasper went to Alice.

"What changed?" he asked her.

"They heard us playing, and it changed their path." she said.

Everyone looked at Bella, including me. She was scared too.

"How soon?" Carlisle asked.

"Less than five minutes. They are running, they want to play." Edward answered.

"Can you make it?" Carlisle asked him.

"No, not carrying... Besides, the last thing the last thing we need is for them to catch the scent and start hunting."

"How many?" Emmett asked Alice.

"Three." she answered.

"Three! Let them come." Emmett said.

"Let's just continue the game." Carlisle decided. "Alice said they were simply curious."

Everyone got at the field again, like nothing had happened. Edward switched with Esme, he wanted to be close to Bella, and now he was the referee.

"Bella, take your hair down. Violet, stay close, by Bella's side, you're small but helpful." Edward instructed us. I got closer to them, Bella between us.

"The others are coming now." Bella said.

"Yes, stay very still, keep quiet, and stay by our side, please." Edward said. He moved Bella's hair a little bit, trying to hide her face.

"That won't help. I could smell her across the field." Alice said.

"I know." Edward said.

After a few minutes, Carlisle, Emmett and the others turned all to the same direction, hearing steps.

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