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Today is September 13th, Bella's birthday. My family is very excited, we haven't celebrated a birthday for a long time.... I chose to wear to school a grey dress, a brown belt, a denim vest and white tennis shoes. I went downstairs to get my breakfast and then got into Alice's car to go to school.

When we got there, Edward was already in the parking lot outside his Volvo waiting for Bella. Alice parked the car and we all waited together for Bella to arrive. When she arrived, she walked over to us, not as excited as the rest of us. And then Alice jumped forward to welcome Bella.

"Happy birthday, Bella!" Alice said.

"Shh" Bella asked Alice for silence, apparently not wanting anyone to know it was her birthday as she kept looking around to make sure no one had heard.

"Congrats, Bella!" I said, in a low tone so that no one outside could hear, but clear enough for her to hear.

"Do you want to open your present now or later?" Alice asked her.

"No presents" Bella replied. The first person I've met who doesn't like to celebrate birthdays apparently.

"Okay... later, then. Did you like the scrapbook your mom sent you? And the camera from Charlie?" Alice asked.

"Yeah. They're great"

"I think it's a nice idea. You're only a senior once. Might as well document the experience." Alice said.

"Bella, this time I have to agree with Alice. Come on! It's your senior year of high school! Cheer up a little!" I said.

"How many times have you two been seniors?"

"That's different" Alice and I said.

"So, as discussed, I am not allowed to wish you a happy birthday, is that correct?" Edward asked.

"Yes. That is correct" Bella answered.

"Just checking. You might have changed your mind. Most people seem to enjoy things like birthdays and gifts."

"Bella, you have no idea how much I would give so I could celebrate my birthday again! I already tried celebrating it, but it's not the same when you have the age same every year... And after a while your birthday goes unnoticed" I said.

Alice laughed. She remembered when we celebrated my birthday.

"Of course you'll enjoy it. Everyone is supposed to be nice to you today and give you your way, Bella. What's the worst that could happen?" Alice said.

"Getting older"

"I would give anything to be eighteen, Bella. Thereby I would spend less time in school!" I said.

"Eighteen isn't very old. Don't women usually wait till they're twenty-nine to get upset over birthdays?" Alice said.

"It's older than Edward" she whispered.

"Technically. Just by one little year, though." Alice said. "What time will you be at the house?"

"I didn't know I had plans to be there."

"Oh, be fair, Bella! You aren't going to ruin our fun like that, are you?" Alice said.

"I thought my birthday was about what I want."

"I'll get her from Charlie's right after school." Edward said.

"I have to work"

"You don't, actually. I already spoke to Mrs. Newton about it. She's trading your shifts. She said to tell you 'Happy Birthday'". Alice said.

"I-I still can't come over. I, well, I haven't watched Romeo and Juliet yet for English"

"You have Romeo and Juliet memorized." Alice said.

"I wouldn't want to spend my birthday watching that... It would have to be at least Mean Girls..." I said. Bella rolled her eyes.

"But Mr. Berty said we needed to see it performed to fully appreciate it- that's how Shakespeare intended it to be presented."

Edward rolled his eyes.

"You've already seen the movie." Alice accused Bella.

"But not the nineteen-sixties version. Mr. Berty said it was the best."

Alice lost her patience.

"This can be easy, or this can be hard, Bella, but one way or another-"

"Relax, Alice. If Bella wants to watch a movie, then she can. It's her birthday." Edward said.

"So there,"

"I'll bring her around seven. That will give you more time to set up."

"Sounds good. See you tonightm Bella! It'll be fun, you'll see."

Then Alice and I went to the opposite direction of Edward and Bella.

"Vi, do you want to skip school so we can prepare everything for Bella's birthday?"

"Well, it's a shame the time I took to choose this outfit, but sure, I want. Anything to get rid of Calculus, I'm just never going to understand."

We went home. Esme was at the door, thinking it was weird that we came back now.

"Alice, Violet, what are you two doing home?"

"Esme we decided to prepare the house for Bella's birthday." Alice said.

"It's not good to skip school like this, especially you, Violet."

"Mom I've graduated before. I'm just doing it again so we can fake to the humans. Besides, I think I know what's being taught in sex ed class..."

We started to get the whole house ready for when Bella arrived. Even the bedrooms, all of them. The family was really excited about celebrating a birthday again.

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