A night with Jake in my bed

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We heard a scream, it could only be Bella. Less than a second later Edward was nowhere to be seen. Jake and I followed him.

Bella was panting, curled over her belly, Rose was holding her, Carlisle, Edward and Esme were all hovered. Someone moved really fast. Alice. She was at the top of the stairs staring down into the living room. Jake thought that was weird.

"Give me a second, Carlisle," Bella panted.

"Bella, I heard something crack. I need to take a look." Carlisle said anxiously.

"Pretty sure it was a rib. Ow. Yep. Right here." she said, pointing to her left side.

"I need to take an X-ray. There might be splinters. We don't want it to puncture anything."

She took a deep breath. "Okay."

Rose lifted Bella carefully. Edward seemed like he was going to argue.

"I've already got her." Rose spoke.

Bella was stronger, but the baby was also stronger. Rose carried Bella through the stairs, Carlisle and Edward right on her heels.

When they got downstairs I turned to Jake, he was sat on the floor against the wall. In addition to being extremely exhausted, this was all too much for him, but not just for him, but for all of us as well.

Alice appeared in front of us.

"Do you want a pillow?" Alice asked him.

"No," he mumbled.

"That doesn't look comfortable."


"Then get up, Jake." I spoke.

"Tired. Why aren't you upstairs with the rest of them?" he asked Alice.

"Headache," she answered.

"Vampires get headaches?"

"Not the normal ones." I answered for her.

"So how come you're never with Bella anymore?" he asked. "Thought you two were like this." he twisted two of his fingers together.

"Like I said, headache."

"Bella's giving you a headache?"


Jake frowned. He was not understanding what she meant.

"Not Bella, really," she said. "The... fetus."

"I can't see it," she told him. "I can't see anything about it. Just like you."

"Bella gets in the way. She's all wrapped around it, so she's... blurry. Like bad reception on a TV—like trying to focus your eyes on those fuzzy people jerking around on the screen. It's killing my head to watch her. And I can't see more than a few minutes ahead, anyway. The... fetus is too much a part of her future. When she first decided... when she knew she wanted it, she blurred right out of my sight. Scared me to death." she added.

Alice was quiet for a second, then added, "I have to admit, despite your wet dog smell, Violet's scent softens it. Everything goes away. Like having my eyes closed. It numbs the headache."

"Happy to be of service, ma'am." he murmured jokingly.

"I wonder what it has in common with you... why you're the same that way."

Jake was shaking with anger. Alice was comparing him with the baby he hated so much.

"I have nothing in common with that life-sucker," he said through his teeth.

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