Chapter Two

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Axel's POV: Last period.

We were skipping last period as usual.

"Do you think she's going to show up?" asked Lucas.

"She is." I clipped.

"How do you know?" asked Hunter.

"She's curious person. She would want to find out what we are up to." I said.

To be perfectly honest I wasn't sure she was going to show up. I do admit she does seem like a curious person but curiosity killed the kat. With the reputation we have I wouldn't blame her for not showing up. Just then the principle showed up.

"What are you kids doing out of class?" He exclaimed.

"Clearly we're ditching." I said.

"My office right now!" He said.

We followed him silently to his office. It wasn't the first time we've been there. What could he possibly do to us.

"This is the 6th time you've ditched class this month." He said.

"6? Huh I thought it was more." said Lucas.

"I think you slacking Perry." smirked Hunter. I stayed silent.

I was enjoying the different shades of red he was turning. My parents were the main funders this hell hole. If they found out anything happened to us they would have a fit. Our parents have known each other since high school. Although Lucas and Hunter's parents weren't as wealthy as us they still keep in touch, having family get togethers every other week.

"Detention all three of you!" He fumed.

The bell rang telling us that school was out. We made our way to the detention room. We were the only ones in the room. The teacher just sat there reading his newspaper. 10 minutes later Luas yelled.


"Language Mr. Sterling." Mr. Holmes said looking up from his paper.

"Kathy is waiting for us." Lucas exclaimed.

"Fuck! What are we going to do?" said Hunter.

Mr. Holmes just scowled this time figuring that no matter what he says we won't stop cussing.

"We do nothing but sit here and wait to be let out."I said.

Hunter and Lucas looked at me like I was crazy. I'm the one of the group that thinks logically. Those two are impulse kind of guys, not Hunter as much but those two can cause trouble without even trying. The hour passed by and we made our way to the bleachers.

"Do you think she'd wait an hour for us?" asked Lucas.

"I don't know man." said Hunter.

"I guess we'll find out." I said as we turned the corner of the bleachers.

And long and behold, there she was. Sitting at the top facing the field. Suddenly she stood up and made her way down muttering to herself. As she got closer to us we could clearly hear what she was saying.

"Of course they didn't come. And to think I waited an hour for them. I mean what would they want with me? This was probably a prank Lucy told them to do. I bet she thought I would stay here all night, I'm not stupid." She ranted.

"No one said you were Kat." I said. She turned around.

"And we don't take orders from anyone." muttered Hunter.

"Wait the biggest thing here is that you waited an hour for us to show?" smirked Lucas.

"I wasn't even going to show up, but I had nothing better to do anyway." She said quietly.

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