Lucy Vanderhaven

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Lily Vanderhaven has hated Katie Nguyen ever since the first time she ever saw her. It was over the summer, a week before school started when Lucy and her friends wanted to watch the new movie that just came out. As they were waiting in line to buy popcorn and drinks the door opened and a flood of light came in. There was a halo of light surrounding the girl that just walked in. Everyone stopped what they were doing to gape at her, even the cute cashier next to them that was once flirting  with her.

She went in the line next to them and the cashier started flirting with the mystery girl. Lucy was furious. How dare she take the spot light off of me?  she thought. Lucy, Kaysi, Ashleighn entered their theater and began searching for seats. They finally spotted a couple of boys in the back and went to go sit there, but they didn't move their legs so they could pass through. Lucy and them decided to sit in front of them hoping to catch their attention. Again the girl came into the theater room. She sauntered up the aisle and stopped by the guys.

"Excuse me? Can I sneak on through?" She asked.

Her voice was sweet and sultry with a but of huskiness. Immediately  they all stood up and let her through. She sat down right next to the guy Lucy had her eyes on.

All through out the movie Lucy could hear them talking and flirting away. She was beyond pissed so much that she was shaking.

"Hey?" He said behind her.

She thought Finally, this is my chance.

"Yeah?" Lucy replied fluttering her lashes.

"Can you keep it down? We are trying to watch the movie." He said.

Lucy shrieked and stormed off with the Kaysi and Ashleighn trailing off behind her.

The next time Lucy saw the mystery girl was the first day of school. Lucy wore her brand new outfit that showed off all of her assets so she could impress Axel. She thought This is my year. I'm a senior now and Queen Bee. Nothing will stand in my way.

In her first class the door opened 15 minutes in. She looked up  from her phone screen and there stood 'movie theater girl'. The whole class started chattering about her. They were a fairly small school where everyone knew everyone and someone new coming to town was a big deal especially if they were attractive.

"Hi, I'm new and didn't get to look around before the school year started." She said handing the teacher her pass.

"Oh, it's fine. We were just introducing ourselves and since you're already up here why don't you go first."

"Sure. Hi, my name is Katherine Nguyen, but you can call me Katie. I'm half Asian and half French. I like to take pictures."

"That was very nice. Katherine, you may sit anywhere you want."

The only spots left were near Lucy and another right next to Hunter in the back corner. Katie sauntered to the back towards Hunter. Lucy would have sat back there with Hunter but he refused to set his feet down off the chair. Lucy thought that the same thing would happen to her and she would have to move to a different seat. However, that did not happen. As soon as Katie in front of the desk, Hunter gave her one glance and removed his legs.

Katie gave him a soft thanks and sat down. For the rest of the class Lucy was fuming. How dare she sit next to Hunter like it's no big deal? The Big Three are off limits to outsiders. Only the most popular girls can be associated with them and the last time I checked she's just the new nerdy girl.

Throughout the day she heard everyone talk about Katie. Some of the girls thought of her was the nice new girl while others thought she looked like a bitch. All the guys were drooling over her and it just made Lucy even more furious. Everyone was suppose to focus all their attention on me not some new Asian girl that randomly came to town.

Ever since then it has been Lucy's mission to make Katie's life a living hell at Maxwell High School.


Okay I know this isn't the kind of update you guys were wanting but this was the only thing I could write in a short amount of time. Plus if I didn't write this who knows how long it would take me to update. It was been since May that I last updated with an actual chapter so I wanted to give you something to read while I'm writing the real chapter. Also this is giving me a motivation to continue writing and not pushing it back.

Although I am busy with school and other things I do have an hour or 2 in my day to write but due to my laziness I have been putting it off. I know, I know. I should should use those moments to continue writing but I has been a while since I have and I forgot what I even wrote. I've re-read the chapter I'm working on and I have totally forgotten all the ideas I had cooking up in my head.

All of my creative juices have ran out and it mentally hurt to just write this filler chapter. But this is a long weekend for me so I'll pound out the coffee and work tirelessly day in and day out to pop out Chapter Eight for you all. I am promising now that you will have it by the end of the month.

comment anything you would like to see in the future or even the Chapter Eight...


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