Chapter One

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"We want to be your friend."

If I knew those 6 simple words lead me to detention, locked in a janitors closet, going to crazy parties(okay maybe that wasn't so bad), and other terrible things that no nerd should ever face I would have rejected them.

You guys are probably very confuse right now. So I should go back to the beginning *time traveling back to the very beginning* *baby cries* Okay maybe not that far. Lets try 1 week into my senior year.

Beep Beep Beep Beep

"Katherine Grace Nguyen wake up, you're going to be late for school!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"Ugh, I don't wanna go."I muttered into my pillow.

"What did you just say young lady?"

I swear its like she has super hearing sometimes. I could barely understand what I had said.

"Nothing. I'm up now." I called out.

"That's what I want to hear. Now hurry up and get ready. You have to walk today, I'm running late." my mom said.


I went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done I went back to my room to get changed. I picked out yoga pants and a hoodie. To go with that I put on my favorite maroon beanie and combat boots. It may not be the most stylish thing ever but I'm going to school not a fashion show. I looked at the time 8:00, school starts in 20 and its a 10 minute walk.

When I finally got to school it was 8:15 and I had to put my stuff in my locker. As I was turning the corner to get to my locker I bumped into Lucy Vanderhaven, the queenbee of Westmont High. I moved here my junior The year due to bullying reason. Yet moving here I'm still bullied, not as bad though. Ever since I got here Lucy has hated my guts. I have no clue why.

"Watch where you're going ching chong." she squealed. Yup, she called me ching chong. I'm used to it by now. She and her friends all call me that.

"I- I uh. Sorry." I apologized and raced off. Looking behind me to make sure she wasn't looking me I bumped into a wall, or what I thought was a wall. I turned around and came face to face with a very muscular chest. Looking up I saw that it was Lucas Sterling, one of The Big Three, the school's resident bad boys.

They're Gods in this school hence the name.(If you don't know the reference look up big three Greek gods and read The Percy Jackson series)

"Woah there girly. What's got you in a rush?" he said huskily.

"I-I um I'm l-late." I stuttered.

I race off. I could hear him chuckle. As I entered class the bell rang. All the seats were filled except for one in the back next to a guy in a leather jacket. I rushed to that seat. I looked over at him and he stared back . I looked away. He smirked.

"Okay class we are splitting up into partners for a project." said the teacher.

Everyone got up and went over to their friend. I sat there not knowing who to be paired with. I looked over to him and saw that he didn't get up either. By that time everyone had a partner and we were the only ones left.

"Katherine Nguyen and Hunter Smith you guys are partners." said the teacher.I froze. Hunter Smith. As in one of The Big Three. Hunter Smith is my partner kill me now.

"So Katherine, I guess we're partners now."

Right as he said that the bell rang. I got up and dashed out of the classroom. I turned around to see him looking for me. I raced to my next class.

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