Chapter Four

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I woke up to the smell of chocolate chip waffles and coffee from downstairs. Confused I headed down to see my mom making waffles.

"Hey mom what's up? You never make waffles." I yawned.

"Did seriously forget what today is?"

Huh? What's so special about today? Wait, she only makes waffles when it's my birthday. But my birthday day isn't for another week I thought. Racing back upstairs to my room where I left my phone I checked the date: September 21.

"It's my birthday. I'm officially 18 now? Oh my god! I'm 18 now!" I screamed.

"Yes you are honey. Now get ready for school and head down stairs and eat the waffles I made."

"I love you so much. Your waffles are the best."

It was still really early so I took my time and made a bath. Doing the all the feminine hygiene like shaving and stuff as I relaxed. Getting out I dried my self and out of lotion. As I let it dry I picked out my outfit for the day. I made my way back up to my room and chose my favorite navy and cream sweater from H&M, navy chiffon shorts and nude ballet flats.

Doing my makeup starting with my brows, filling them in. Next I did a soft rose gold eye with winged liner. I put on a light layer of foundation and concealer. I smoked out the lower lash line for a little sexiness. Last I applied a nude lipstick and gloss.

Going downstairs in saw that Lucas was sitting on our kitchen island talking with my mom. He was eating the special waffles my mom made. He was clearly enjoying himself not even noticing me seating down next to him.

"Oh sweetie, your friend is here."

"I see that."

"I was just telling your mom about the car situation." Lucas said.

"Oh okay then." I said started on my waffles.

Lucas leaned over to whisper to me making sure my mom wouldn't hear. I leaned in as well.

"You look nice today kitten. What's going on?"

"Today is my 18th birthday."

"Hmm. So this is the day our little kitten was brought into the world. And the day she is a legal adult." He teased.

"Oh shut up." I laughed.

We continued to talk some more over breakfast, my mom occasionally jumping in at points. Looking at the clock I realized it was around the time to start heading off to school so I grabbed our plates and put them in the sink.

"Bye mom, we're going to school now." I said kissing my mom on the cheek.

"Bye Mrs. Nguyen. The waffles were delicious. Thank you for offering some to me." Said Lucas.

"Call me Sarah. And please stop by anytime. I love cooking for people I don't do it often enough. Would you like to have a special birthday dinner with us tonight? It gets lonely with just the two of us. And besides this is the first time in a while since Katherine as brought friends over."

I physically blanched over the thought of having Lucas over a second time in one day. Not that I mind him, he is actually really good company. We have a ton in common, and the same sense of humor. Still I glared over at Lucas daring him to say yes. He caught my gaze and smirked.

"That would be amazing. Actually there are two more friends of Katherine that I'm sure would love to come over for dinner." He replied.

"Well we have to go now." I said dragging him out of the house.

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