Sneek peak

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He leaned over closing the distance between us. I wasn't sure what was going on so I backed away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the warmth and protection of his body. I felt so safe there, like I belonged in his arms forever.

I blushed and looked down. He pushed my chin up so our eyes meet. He crashed his lips onto mine. Hunger, passion, fear, and most importantly love filled the kiss.

Everything about it felt right. Our lips molded together as almost we were were made for each other. The warmth of his lips made me forget about life, nothing else mattered in that moment. I felt his tongue ask for entrance and I let him. We battle for dominance but I soon gave up, letting him explore my mouth. I wove my hands up and around his neck. Running my hands through his silky hair I pulled on them emitting a groan from his beautiful mouth. He bit and suckled on my lower lip. I moaned in lust. Arousal spread throughout my body.

He pinned my hips to the ground. I squirmed through his grip. Finally he loosened his hold. I push my hip up to his and grinded them together. I could feel him through our clothes.

He was the one to break the kiss but continued to trail small pecks on my lips, face, and neck.

"We... I shouldn't be doing this." He mumbled in between kisses. "I know he was feeling for you too and the other one isn't going down that easy either."

His lips continued to trail down my neck until he reached my sweet spot. Another soft moan escaped my lips. A gruntled growl ripped from his throat.

"I shouldn't have kissed you. I knew the moment I met you that if I did I would... no couldn't stop."

Warm and fuzzy sparks ignited in my stomach when he said that. I wanted this moment to last forever. But then an image flashed in my mind. It was all of us together on my birthday. Back when there was no complications. I didn't want that to change.

I pushed him away. And looked the other way.

"I'm sorry. This. That. Us. It was a mistake. It won't happen again." I said.


"I'm gonna head home. It's been a long day."

"Wait! Katherine."

"I'm sorry."

And with that I drove off leaving him there distraught. It broke my heart to see him like that but I had to go.

Sorry this got up so late. I recent found my wii that I had 'lost'. Took a while to set up and never got a chance to really mess around with it until today. Plus I have a major headache and the thought of looking at a screen doubled the pain ten-folds, if that is even possible. I get really bad migraines once a month sort of like a period, luckily they didn't happen at the same time. It feels like someone is constantly hammering my brain, but I had to suck it up and publish this.

So that was interesting. I didn't plan to write this but I was in study one day and I didn't have anything to do. I do a lot of my paper writing(I usually write the chapter in pieces on paper and transfer after) at school when I don't have anything to do. I have a little notebook that I carry with me. I prefer to write it on paper first before typing it on wattpad because it's a good way to capture your thoughts/ideas quickly. I don't know about you guys but I'm not the fastest typer in the world. Actually I'm really slow and mess up 100 times writing the same sentence.

Anyways, I was bored and I didn't have my little notebook so I ended up writing it on two note cards then transferring that to a larger sheet of paper before transferring the added version to my notebook before adding it to wattpad. Confusing I know.

That didn't even explain anything. I get too off topic easily. So the real story. I was in study hall or what others call free period and I didn't have any homework to work on so I started thinking of scenarios to add to chapter 6 but came up blank. Then I scene hit me. I wanted to write a confession scene thing. I have no clue who it is. And don't think when he called he "Katherine" that its Hunter because I don't know. It could be, it could not be, I don't know yet. I had try really hard not to use a name even though I don't know who it is yet.

So this was sort of a choose your character kind of thing. So instead of {your name here} it's {your favorite character here} for the guy.

I did continue writing the continuation of this sneak peek even though I don't know the main character for it. Once again I used vague text for it.

I don't know when the full part will pop up yet. I think there is still a lot of growth needed to be made before they be confessing their undying love for her.

Okay. Now readers interactive. Whose team are you on? Team Axel, Team Lucas, or Team Hunter? Personally I'm more bias towards Lucas right now because I've written more about him and I have more background on his character. WARNING: that was not a hint to this sneak peek. I repeat not the character to my knowledge right now.

Oh and in the previous chapter I signed Silver instead of the usual Silverwolf137 and my 'name' says Silver. I just want to say my name is not silver although that would be sick-nasty.

That is all. Bye guys!!!!!!! Thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!


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