Chapter Three

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When I drove up to the driveway it was 7. Mom wasn't home, she doesn't get home until midnight sometimes she doesn't come home at all. It's normal considering she's a nurse. I went to the kitchen to make a small diner.

Getting ready for bed I couldn't help but think about them. Should I say yes? I mean what harm could it do, nothing can compare to what Ryan did. I sighed. I still have homework to do, went over to my desk and got started on my homework.

Beep Beep Beep.

I woke up to my alarm. I was sitting at my desk. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Today is the day I thought. I got changed and went downstairs. Grabbing a banana I headed to my car. My baby a 2015 black Toyota Corolla. I bought it with my own money, although it was expensive it was totally worth all the blood, sweat and tears.

While driving to school my palms got sweaty from thinking about confronting the guys. I still wasn't sure if I was going to agree. When I got to school I spotted them; we made eye contact but fortunately they didn't approach me.

Going through my classes was easy. When it was time for my classes with Hunter or Axel they would sit near me but still keep their distance. Hunter was forced to work with me considering the fact the he was my partner for the project.

At lunch I was in the art room again, well technically not in the art room but near. I had permission from Ms. O'connell to go outside again. I saw Axel sitting by a tree. He must be waiting for Hunter and Lucas I thought.

The light was perfectly hitting his hair making it seem more blonde than it already was. I raised my camera up and took a picture. I opened up my folder and looked at the work I just took. He looked so peaceful, the usual scowl or smirk was gone and was replaced with serenity. I smiled.

Looking up from my camera I saw that he was looking straight at me. I offered him a smile and wave. He smirked and looked away. Going back to my work I scanned the area for something to take a picture of. I came up with nothing.

Looking back over at him I noticed that Hunter was with him now. Hunter with his dark hair and black clothes contrasted Axel; they looked like polar opposites. Like ying and yang. Click. I took a picture. That may just be my favorite yet.

All of them are so different it's a wonder how they get "along" so well. Lucas is the most normal looking one of the group. But he is by no means normal. His outgoing personality and boldness makes him a target for speaking out in class and getting detentions. Hunter is very quiet. He doesn't speak much but when he does you know something is up. Axel, the leader of the group. He's very mysterious, he is mainly known for his family, and his snarky attitude. Although he lets Lucas and Hunter handle almost every encounter he was still the scariest out of the three.

The day finally ended and I was still on the fence on my decision. I walked over the football field. It was empty like last time. I sat down at the top of the bleachers again. A sudden sense of déjà vu hit me, I laughed. Hopefully I won't wait an hour again this time I thought. Sitting there I could see the sun set. Taking out my camera I took a picture.

"Kitten! You're here!" yelled Lucas. I jumped up surprised.

"You idiot," Hunter said slapping him in the back of the head. "You can't just yell al of a sudden."

"Anyway, what do you say Kat?" asked Axel.

"I honestly don't know. I don't know why you want to be friends with me of all people." I whispered.

"We want to be friends with you because we can." said Hunter.

"I know you want to. I mean who doesn't want to be in a group with the amazing Lucas Sterling." he stated.

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