Chapter Seven

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I dropped my legs down onto the ground but kept my arms around his neck. He pressed his body into mine.

"Hey Kit." He said.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were still in London."

"I called you to tell you I was coming back, but the number I dialed wasn't in service."

"Oh, right. I changed my number when I moved here."

He nodded understandingly. I had told him what happened at my old school. I wiped away my tears.

"We need to catch up. My house?"

"Let's go."

I hopped onto the back of his bike not wanting to miss another second away from him.

"What about your car?" He asked.

"It's fine. I can just pick it up tomorrow. Just give me a ride okay?"

He handed me his helmet. I looked at him quizzingly. Grayson smiled at me reassuringly and shook his head. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would think about my safety before his own I thought. Before we could leave Axel, Hunter and Lucas walked up to the bike. I gave Axel a small squeeze to the shoulder and smiled.

"I'll see you at my house later kay?" I said.

Grayson revived the engine and we were off to my house. I gave him directions to my house even though it seemed like he didn't need them. When we reached our destination I dragged him into the house and up to my room.

I plopped down on my bed sprawling out in the middle. Grayson nudged my over to the side and I rolled over. He chuckled most likely thinking of the times when we were younger and I would do the exact same thing I just did. He laid down next to me; I snuggled up close to him, resting my head on his arm. We laid there for a few moments not saying anything. I pressed my hand on his chest feeling his heartbeat and the rise and fall of him breathing. Grayson ran his fingers through my hair playing with it.

"When did you come back? Why did you come back? How long are you staying? Where are you staying?" I broke the silence.

"Woah! Slow down there Kit, one question at  time." He laughed. "I got here two hours ago. You were still in school when I got here so I couldn't really ask you to pick me up. And besides, even if I wanted to you I couldn't get in contact with you since someone went and got their number changed and didn't tell their best friend." He poked my stomach. I pouted at him.

"I could've left school it's not big deal. And you know why I had to change my number. How did you leave the airport anyway?"

"I called a taxi. I had them drive me to your house first to drop off my bag. Your mom told me where you kept your spare key. My parents made arrangements with your mom for my to stay here for the rest of the school year until college. Then I walked to the bike shop near here and bought myself that beauty outside. Afterwards I stayed here and ate your food while I waited for school to end."

I glared at him when he said he ate my food. Grayson just laughed at me knowing that I would be pissed at him for eating my precious food.

"Then I drove to your school and waited for you outside in the parking lot. And you know the rest from there."

I lifted myself up onto my forearm and searched his face just to make sure that he was really there and I wasn't dreaming.

"I'm just really glad you are here. I don;t know how I could ever survive without you."

"You did it for 2 years."

"And look how well that ended up."

The doorbell rang telling us that Axel, Hunter, and Lucas were here. Grayson climbed down first and then helped me down too. We walked to the door hand in hand. I opened the door and let them in. We made our way to the kitchen; Grayson pulled out a tub of Oreos 'n cream ice cream and a spoon.

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