Chapter Five

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We hung out for another hour or so playing cards against humanity. I used to play all the time but with the move and the fact that I have no one to play with before now; there was never an opportunity to. Before they left we exchanged numbers. I guessed we forgot to yesterday.

After they left I could finally relax. It was my birthday; however, I was busy all day, never having a single moment to unwind. But it was short lived. 10 minutes after they left I got a call from Lucas.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, I'm outside let me in." He sounded winded.

"Uh, you just left. Did you forget something?"

"Yeah, I guess I sort of did. Anyway just let me in."

"Fine. I'm coming."

I raced down the ladder and made my way to the front door. I opened the door to expect Lucas but Axel and Hunter were there too. Lucas was in the middle holding a cake. Axel to his right holding a camera and Hunter to the left holding candles.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Well after we left I realized that we never sang you happy birthday and there was no cake. So I called up the guys and we bought you one." Explained Lucas.

I let them in and we set the cake down on the kitchen island. Lucas opened the top to reveal a Pokémon cake. I raised an eyebrow at them.

"It was the only birthday cake they had left. Hope you like chocolate." Axel teased.

"I love chocolate and I don't mind Pokémon either. However, cake isn't really my thing."

"And what is your 'thing'" Lucas smirked.

"Oh shush you." I elbowed him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain. "Anyway, I'm more of a brownie kind of person myself."

"But we already had brownies today after school." Lucas said after recovering from my assault.

"You can never have too many brownies." I stated.

Hunter did a slight nod of his head.

"Do you like brownies too?" I asked.

Hunter opened his mouth to reply but Lucas interrupted him.

"Are you kidding me? Hunter is a brownie fanatic. He could eat brownies everyday, all day."

"I think we still have some." I said looking on the countertop. I found them on the dinning room table. I set it on the island. I grabbed a cartoon of milk from the fridge as well.

"Okay now that we have everything let's start the celebration." Exclaimed Lucas.

Axel took the cake out of the box and put the 18 candle in the center. Hunter pulled a lighter out of his back pocket and lit it up. They sang happy birthday to me while Lucas recorded. At the end I blew out my candles. I didn't really have a wish so I just hoped I got in my choice of college.

They lit the cake up one more time to take a picture of all of us. Lucas set up the camera and set it to timer. We smiled for the camera as the flash went off. Well Lucas and I did, Axel just smirked and Hunter just stood there. But I could see a millimeter of a smile on his lips and that's what counts.

I cut the cake for Lucas and Axel while Hunter and I indulged in the brownies. We sat around the island telling stories.

"It's been a tradition for I don't even know how many years now. But every birthday we would go to each other's houses and bring a cake. We'd light a candle and sing happy birthday." Said Lucas. "Everything is documented on a camera. Every birthday is saved. And since you're with us now you are in here too."

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