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(A/N, love the picture above too much)

Antonia's pov/ Y/N pov

After Gally left I walked into the room Thomas was in. "I'm so sorry." I said as I walked up to him, like Gally he also had a black eye, his jaw was bruised, and his cheek was pink, it was definitely going to bruise in a few days." it's not your fault." He replied. "Yes, it is. I let you believe that Gally did something." "You did not. You tried to tell me he didn't, but I didn't listen. I'm sorry." He said. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm serious." I told him. "Fine, then you have nothing to be sorry for." He replied. I didn't say anything, so Thomas asked, "What were you guys doing anyway?" I fiddled with my hands awkwardly. How do you tell your overprotective brother that you liked the guy he hates and that you were about to kiss said guy?

" see....Well, I was about to...kiss him?" I said quietly. "Well uhhh I think I'm gonna leave." Said Jeff who was standing by the bed awkwardly. Once we heard the door close, Thomas flipped. "You what!?????" He yelled. "Calm down Thomas. So what? I like the guy! What are you going to do about it?!" I shouted right back at him. "I need fresh air," he said angrily. "No, Thomas. Wait." I called. I ran outside and tried to find him yet he was nowhere in sight. I sighed in frustration before running around the glade trying to find him.

Thomas's POV

I can't believe it. I actually can't believe her. She likes Gally??? What the hell. I storm out of the medhut and I hear her try to call me back but I sprint off towards the trees, my anger powering me on. I climbed a tree and sat there, tearing the bark off to relieve my frustration. I saw Antonia run out of the medhut and start running around looking for me. I didn't say anything or call her. I'm too pissed off with her to care.

I'm still tearing off bark and shredding leaves when I heard a British voice drift up towards me. "You know the tree did nothing to you right Tommy?" I smiled slightly at the nickname before climbing down to come face to face with Newt. I felt my cheeks flush a little,  shuck it why did I always have to blush whenever he talked to me? "Hey, Newt," I replied. He smiled and rolled his eyes, "Well? Why you tearing up the poor tree? What's wrong?" he questioned. "Ugh, everything," I replied dramatically flopping to the floor, yeah I know but I do like to be a little bit of a drama queen here and there. Newt sat down next to me, so close our knees were touching as well as our shoulders, I blushed deeper.

"What's up drama-boy?" He said and chuckled lightly. "Antonia. She likes Gally! Gally for godsake!" I said frustrated. He looked at me and said, "and?". Huh? What did he not get? GALLY FOR GODSAKE. "My sister likes that asshole!" I said pointing t where Gally was building something, who even cares what. Newt chuckled again before telling me to brush it off. "Ugh I can't brush it off Newt. Why don't you get that?" I said my anger creeping into my voice a little to much. "Calm down Thomas. She likes him and? I've never seen Gally care for someone so much in my bloody life! He is even building her a completely new hut. I know Gally will treat her right. If she likes him she likes him. You have to let her take this chance. If he hurts her, trust me I will be right up there punching Gally with you. You have to let her live a little." He said. I hung my head in shame. Have I really messed up the chance for my sister to be with the guy she loves?

"I swear though if he hurts her..." I started. "I know Tommy, I know. Come, you need to carve your name." Newt replied and stood up. I looked at him, confused. "Carve my name?" I asked. He led me over to a section of the maze walls where I saw lots of other names, including Newt's. "Everyone who comes here carves their name, you know to show that they are one of us." He handed me a knife and I took it and walked up to the wall and carved 'Thomas' into the wall, just below Newt's name. I smiled at him and he gave me a hug. "You are one of us now Tommy." I smiled at him and hugged him back. I had a strange feeling in my stomach, like butterflies. Weird I thought. I tried to put it out of my mind, Newt is just being friendly, he will never like you get a grip, Thomas.

my maze runner (Gally x Reader, Newtmas)Where stories live. Discover now