teresa's lovely, lovely mother

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A/N Hello again, please vote as usual and I hope you enjoy :)

Hello to everyone in all countries, America, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, and Bulgaria :) -19/06/2021, that's all the countries so far :)

we ran out into the scorch, climbed up the sand dunes, and saw men behind us. I ran ahead of everyone, trying to find somewhere to hide. I finally saw a building buried in sand and slid down to it. I found a cracked window and yelled, "Come on!", before jumping in.

The boys all yelled my name, but I had already slid down the sand and was at the bottom. "Get down here!" I yelled. The boys all slid down and Minho turned on a flashlight. He moved it around so we could see. "Where the hell are we?" He asked. "We gotta go." Thomas said. "No. Thomas stop!" Teresa yelled. "What's going on?" Thomas explained to her that it was wicked. "Me and Aris found bodies. Too many to count." Thomas said. "Dead bodies?" Minho questioned. "Not dead, but not alive either. They had them strung up. With tubes coming out of them. They were being drained. There's something inside of us that wicked wants. Something in our blood. So we have to get as far away from them as possible." Thomas told us.

"Okay. So what's the plan? You do have a plan right?" Newt asked. "Ya, I don't know." Thomas basically whispered. "Well, we followed you out here Thomas and now you're saying you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing?" Newt replied. Thomas didn't say anything, so Aris spoke up. "What. Janson said about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army." Aris said. Me and Minho looked at each other. "The right arm. If they're really against wicked, maybe they can help us." Thomas told us. "People? In the mountains? Mountain people? That your plan?" Newt questioned. "It's the only chance we have." Thomas replied.

"Hey, guys. Check this out. Minho give me your light." Winston said. We all walked over and Minho shined his light downward. There were footprints in the sand. "Someone's been down here." I said. We walked further down. Minho looked into a certain room before saying, "Come on. Open it up." Me and Minho lifted up the door. We walked in, and Frypan found a lantern and turned it on, and I found another flashlight. Minho picked up some clothes that were on the floor. "Looks like people lived here." He said. "Where are they now?" I asked.

"Let's pick some of this stuff up. Anything you think you might need. Let's split up, see what else we can find. Meet back here." Thomas told us and dusted off a jacket before putting it on. Newt threw Thomas a flashlight before me, Thomas and Minho left everyone else. Before I left, I grabbed a black leather jacket that was on the floor that was basically identical to Thomas's (besides the fact it is black) and dusted it off before putting it on. It fit perfectly somehow. Me, Minho, and Thomas walked for a while. "Hey, Thomas." Minho said once we were in a certain big room. "Ya?" Thomas asked. "Those kids, the ones we left behind, I don't want to end up like that." Minho replied. Thomas didn't answer. "Hey. Do you hear me?" Minho questioned. "I hear you." Thomas said. "Good. Now, what are we looking for out here?" Minho replied. "Signs of life." I said.

Minho said, "does he count?", and shined his light to a dead body. "Shit." I said as we walked up to the body. "They had power." Minho told us after clicking a light a couple of times. We then all shined our lights on a power box thing. We walked into another room that some wires led to. There was a cage and we walked up to it, confused. Minho bent down to a power box. "This looks promising." He said before flipping a couple of switches. "Hey, Minho wait." Thomas, who had moved to inspect another cage, told us. Too late. All the lights came on. I looked over at Thomas just as I saw a person run up behind him. "Thomas watch out!" I yelled. We all three backed up, and I sacredly grabbed Thomas's arm.

The person, I don't even know if it was considered a person, was screeching at us. We shined our lights on it, and the, well what used to be a lady, had darkened eyes, black veins, and was hissing. Not yelling, screeching. "Jesus," Minho said as we kept backing away. We heard another screech come from behind us. We all quickly turned around and saw another one, a guy, coming at us. His head was bent weirdly, and it walked almost sideways. Minho let go of my hand and grabbed a pipe before hitting it into the ground. We all went on the other side of it, and I grabbed Minho's hand again. "What the hell is that thing?" I questioned. We heard some more screeches, and Thomas said, "We gotta move. Go!", before we all ran to get the rest of the gladers and Aris.

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