creepy dude in a mask

499 19 2

3rd person

In the city, walked Teresa, in a building. A couple of feet away, stood Ava Paige, speaking to some people. Once she caught sight of Teresa making her way over, she started to end the conversation.

"Excuse me." They walked away as Ava turned to Teresa. The two started to walk down the hall, side by side. "Are you ready?" Teresa didn't answer, making Ava put a reassuring hand on her back. "It'll be fine." Ava assured.


Teresa now stood in a room, Ava walking towards her. The two had finished a meeting, and now the girl stood in front of a giant window, looking out at the city in front of her. "Nicely done." Ava commented. "They can be a tough crowd. You handled them perfectly. "Delaying the inevitable." Thomas used to say the same about us."

At the mention of the boy, a frown came to Teresa's lips as she looked down at her feet. Even after six months and after what happened at the Right Arm, Teresa still cared deeply for the gladers. She remembers when she was sent to the maze, she felt a connection with Thomas instantly and Antonia too but that one wasn't a good connection. She had started to feel the same feelings she felt for Thomas when they working for Wicked. And she still does. She always had.

"Do you still think about him?" Ava questions. When Teresa doesn't answer and looks down more, that gave Ava her answer. "I can help you with that, those memories. There's no reason to keep holding on to them. It's a simple procedure."

"There is a reason." Teresa spoke up. "I want to remember. If we find a cure, that's the only way all this was worth it."

"I hope you're right." Ava said softly before looking out at the city through the window. The two stood in silence, as Teresa kept thinking about Thomas.


Thomas's POV 

We walked through a small town, with big crowds all around. I walked in the front with me, keeping a grip on Antonia's hand so she wouldn't lose me. I was walking pretty fast and eagerly to get to the doors.

"This place has really gone through hell." Jorge commented as he walked on the other side of me. "We just gotta stay together." I heard Antonia remind, making me nod in agreement.

"We are the voice of the voiceless!" A male voice spoke up from behind us. We all looked behind us, seeing a vehicle with many, what looked like soldiers sitting on top. One sat in the front, microphone in hand.

"They hide behind their walls, thinking they can keep the cure for themselves, while they watch the rest of us wither and rot!" The male exclaimed in anger into the microphone.

The crowd had moved to the side, letting the vehicle pass by. Newt, Antonia, and I stood in front of one side of the crowd, keeping our eyes on the moving vehicle. As it was passing by us, my gaze stopped on one of the men with a red mask. He was already staring at me, actually, no, he was staring at Antonia. Once she had met his eye from under the mask and looked at him, he eagerly sat forward more, like he was excited she noticed him. Antonia's face showed no different emotion. She looked so broken recently, she barely said anything.

I saw her fiddle with a ring on her finger, she does that a lot, must be a habit. I saw his gaze move down to that for a couple of seconds before looking back into her eyes. He leaned forward more as they still kept eye contact. Who is this guy? Why did he seem so eager? Like he wanted to get to us...I watched as he reached his hand out softly like he was wanting to grab something. Seriously, what's up with him? Antonia was no longer looking at him, she kept her eyes down and fiddled with her ring. I'm not sure where she got that ring from.

As that guy had gotten farther, I still kept my narrowed eyes on him, till he was out of sight. I continued looking ahead when I felt a tingly sensation on the back of my neck. Looking up, my gaze caught the sight of a Wickd drone flying right above me. A hand grabbed onto mine. "Antonia, come on!" I yelled over the crowd before pulling her away, keeping her hand in mine.

Walking through the crowd more, my gaze stopped on the walls that were keeping us from the city. "That's it." Antonia started. "That's our way in." I finished before walking forward, my hand leaving her hand. We walked through the crowd more, as I eagerly pushed through.

"Thomas!" I heard Jorge shout over the many yells and shouts around us. He grabbed ahold of my shoulder slightly. "This is not what you're looking for. All these people trying to find their way in, you think you're gonna find something they can't?"

"Came this far. I'm not turning back now." I shouted over the crowd, walking to the front more, Jorge following. Finally, Jorge and I made it to the front of the large and loud crowd. I didn't know where the others were. They were somewhere here.

" Thomas, this doesn't feel right." Jorge shook his head. I saw that Brenda and Frypan made it to us, but I don't know where Newt or Antonia were at. Speaking of Antonia and Newt, I felt hands on my shoulders, making me turn and see both of them staring at me. "Hey, guys, we gotta go now." Newt warned.

"Look." I looked over his shoulder at something, following his gaze. My gaze landed on the man I saw earlier, with the red mask. What did he want?

Suddenly, the noise from the crowd had died down as a loud alarm was heard from the walls. Slowly, we turned our heads to the giant walls in front of us, watching some type of machine turn on and aim at the crowd. People started screaming, running away.

As we started slowly backing up, the machines went off, creating many explosions as we ran away. Newt kept ahold of my arm as we ran, keeping me close to him. We ran through a small ally, avoiding all the shots near us. Once we made it out of there, I glanced back at Newt, before running into something.

Actually, someone. Looking up, my gaze met the man in the red mask again. He held onto my forearms before I was pulled into a van by him.

"Thomas!" I heard Antonia scream my name. "Antonia!" I screamed back, desperate to get to my sister. Pushing me in, I scooted away from the man before I saw one of them push Brenda in. She instantly came to my side, keeping me close as I felt the van start to drive off.

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