Scentless Rose (Cray sans x Left out!Reader)

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You were sitting next to a small pond, with your ankles and feet in the water as you watched the lily pads float, and watched the flowers in the grass move slightly due to the wind. It was a very nice day out, you sighed and looked to the side.
Palette and Goth, the 3 of you were best friends. But more recently you've been more exclusive. They were sitting next to each other while chatting, while you were on the verge of tears. It was never their fault, they just never realized how upset you were about it. You're thoughts were interrupted by a hand on your shoulder. You jumped slightly and looked back.
"Hey uh.. are you okay Y/N? Your eyes seem teary. Is something wrong?" Goth said with a slightly empathetic face. You just wiped your eyes and smiled while giving a thumbs up.
"Haha don't worry pal! I just got something in my eye.." You said as you stuck your tongue out a little. Goth sighed and let go, "Yeah yeah.. sure..." he said as he looked away, back at Palette.
Palette also cared for you dearly, but in this moment he didn't say anything about it. You groaned and stood up.
"I gotta go.." You said, while wiping your teary eyes again. You put your shoes back on.
"Oh okay! Bye pal!" Palette said sweetly while you waved 'bye' and walked away, you walked next to a building like thing (idk) and sat against it, while holding a flower that was in the grass next to the pond. You had picked it before you left, you just held it between your index and middle finger as you sniffled again.

The flower was a lot like you, it was white and no interesting colors on it. Like pink or yellow, you know what is supposedly pretty colors.

You started to tear up slightly, you just wanted to be included and loved. Goth and Palette are good friends but they don't pay attention to the smaller things. You laid on your knees and cried, dropping the flower.
You heard foot steps walk up to you, and you stopped. You wiped away your tears and looked up to see another skeleton.
"Hiya! I heard you crying and I came to see if you were okay. I'm Cray by the way, what's your name stranger?" He asked as he stuck his hand out or you to grab. You sniffled and grabbed his hand reluctantly as he pulled you up to your feet, making you wobble a bit.
"Sorry.. I'm Y/N. I just was thinking about some stuff and it made me emotional. I'm sorry." You said, Cray was still holding your hand.
"Hey bud it's okay! Sometimes we get a bit sad about things that are out of our reach.." He said as he picked the flower off of the ground and placed it in your hair. "And that's perfectly okay! I hope you feel better, do you wanna consider being friends maybe..?" He asked as he blushed a little. You smiled softly and nodded, "Heh.. of course." You said as you wiped away the remaining tears on your face. Cray opens his arms, asking for a hug. You hugged him, after that you both hung out for a long time.

Small bonus QwQ

"Hey Cray..?" You said while blushing a little.
"Yeah?" he responded, looking towards your direction.
You walked up to him, and kissed his cheek. He took a second to process, but once he did he started blushing madly. You immediately start apologizing, and tearing up a little. You had feelings for him, and this was your way to confess. "I-I'm sorry Cray!" You said in a panicked tone, again with slight tears (ik its dramatic im sorry-)
He chuckled, and just hugged you back, while using his hand to grab yours and interlacing it. He kissed your cheek as well.
"Haha don't worry! I like you too!" He said as nuzzled your cheek a little. You were blushing a bit.

Haha this was a lot of fun to write! :D i hope any Cray simps that read this enjoyed it. I'm happy with this.
Epic: 👁👁
I know the bonus was a bit dramatic, i'm sorry lmao
ANYWAYS- Goodnight it's 3 am.

AU sans x Reader one shots Where stories live. Discover now