Dust sans x Shy, bad guy, female reader

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@JanieRusseltheantic this one is for you UwU
Your POV
You were sitting under a tree, watching the clouds. You were extremely bored, the bad guys were out doing something, I think fighting the star sanses. You decided to go and try to help them cuz you had nothing to do, you found them and started fighting the star sanses with the bad guys. You weren't the best in fighting because you were still training but you did pretty good. Dust came to help, Dust is your closest friend out of any of the bad guys.

Dusts POV
I was trying to find where everyone was when I saw Y/N fighting the star sanses with the rest of the gang. I thought she was doing pretty good, even though she started training not to long ago. I finally came out and Y/N said hello to me when she suddenly got hit. She fell over, I was quick to pick her up. "Just go get her healed. We can hold them off." Killer said, I nodded and went back to the castle. I put her on the couch while I went to grab a Med kit
Your POV
Dust was bringing me back to the castle when everything started to get blurry. I felt like I was gonna pass out, and my stomach was hurting a lot (since Dream hit you with a arrow- idk man) After Dust has put you on the couch, he found the med kit, he started with healing magic first but it wouldn't completely heal the wound. "Okay Y/N I need you to stay calm, this is gonna hurt a lot but it'll help!" Dust said, starting to do his magic. You nodded in agreement. You were kinda embarassed about all of this, you never usually got this injured in battle. Once you felt his healing magic you yelped loudly. Yep he was right, it hurt a lot. You started crying from all the pain, Dust held your hand and hugged you while he was doing his healing magic. He wiped the tears from your face. Finally he finished that and bandaged it. He closed the med kit and put it back, you were still crying on the couch because you were still in pain.
Dusts POV
After I got back to her, she was still crying, I was assuming she was in pain. I sat next to her and hugged her, she didn't say anything though. I tried to be gentle so that the wound wouldn't open again or get worse. Once again I wiped some of her tears away. And we just kinda looked into each other's eyes for a bit. Then I went for it, I kissed her. She was kinda surprised at first but melted into the kiss.

Epic: bruh I have cookies
Me: ok we are gonna eat cookies so goodbye UwU

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