Chapter 6: Individual assessments

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I wake up with a jolt. Where am I? I look around and as I do my neck hurts. Now I remember, the boy from four was choking me. It looks like I'm in my room. I look over to my right and find Adrien sleeping on a chair next to my bed. He looks so cute when he sleeps. Why am I thinking this! We are both going into an arena to kill each other in three days. I sit up and get out of bed. I start to feel a little dizzy as I stand up and it makes me fall to my knees. Adrien hears and wakes up.

"Hey, you shouldn't be out of bed," Adrien says as he helps me up.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"You lost consciousness at training yesterday and it's close to dinner now, so about twenty two hours," Adrien says. I sit back down on the bed. Twenty two hours. Then I remember someone knocked him off me.

"Who knocked him off me?" I ask Adrien.

"I did. We fought a little but the teachers had to separate us when he pulled out a knife and I grabbed my ax. People almost found out I am good with an ax. Why was he fighting you anyway?" Adrien asks me.

"He had it out for me since that morning. As Finnick and I were being brought back to our levels he glared at me with jealousy. He must think that his mentor likes the district twelve kids better than his own," I say.

"Is that true?" Adrien asks me.

"No. All that happened down there was we were practicing because with our families that is the only thing that helps us control the nightmares and no sleep," I say looking down at my feet.

Suddenly the door to my room opens.

"Hey Adrien, dinner is ready. How is she?" Effie asks as she walks into the room.

"I am fine Effie. Thanks for your concern," I say with a smile.

"Oh, Diana we were so worried that you wouldn't wake up," Effie says as she comes over to me for a hug. I am not the biggest on hugs and Effie knows that but she still gives me hugs anyway. Adrien coughs to alert Effie he was still there.

"We should get to dinner," I say. Adrien helps me stand and we all walk out to the dining room. Calix sees me walk out with the others and smiles.

"You look rough," Calix says to me as we sit down to eat.

"Thanks, I thought that was my look all the time," I say with a smile. We begin to fill our plates when Adrien stops me from filling mine.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"The doctor said you can't eat solid food till tomorrow so the chefs made you lamb stew," Adrien says pointing to an Avox walking over with a bowl of steaming hot lamb stew.

"Thanks," I say with an eye roll.
We begin to eat and by the time dessert comes Effie has gotten down to business.

"Alright. Your individual assessments are tomorrow and I want to know if you two have any plan for what you will do," Effie says.

"I haven't shown them my skills with a bow and arrow yet and a sword so I was thinking of using those," I say.

"What about you Adrien?" Effie asks.

"I was going to throw some axes," Adrien says.

"I want you two to think about putting some flare into your plans. They are a little plain," Effie says.

"Okay, Effie. We will think about it right Diana?" Adrien asks me.

"Yeah," I say. We finish eating and I am about to head back to my room and Adrien stops me.

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