Chapter 13: When together, love grows stronger.

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I feel pain all over. Did I die? If I did then why am I in pain?  I start to move my eyes and as they move so do my eyelids. I open them fully and see rock.  I try to turn my head but it only causes pain. I whimper a little. 

"Diana. Don't move, you could hurt yourself more than you already have," says a very familiar voice. The person appears over my eye view. It's Adrien. How did he find me? I was last with Griffin. 

"How did I get here? How did you find me? I was so sure I was going to die," I say. He frowns and looks as if he was crying. 

" What is wrong?" I ask him. 

"Nothing. I was so scared you were going to die too. Effie sent me a parachute with a picture of you bleeding to death. I already saw one death that day, I couldn't see another. Especially the woman I love," Adrien says. 

"Before we get into any more of this conversation can you help me sit up please?" I ask him. He puts his hands on my back a gently as he can. It still hurts. I soon am sitting upon a rock. I look down at my body and see my shirt is off and a bandage is around my lower torso. I can see I was bleeding a lot. 

"So, who did you see die?" I ask him. Adrien sits next to me and grabs my hand. 

"An ally of mine. After you attacked the career pack, I ran and bumped into Emerson. He wanted me to call him Emer. At first, he wanted to kill me. Eventually, he saw I was only trying to help. We became allies and the next day, We talked and the main topic was you. He told me that I was lucky to have someone who loved me as much as you. I asked him if we could see if something happened to you after I ran and we went but on our way, he heard something and he decided for both of us that we would split up and I went to the spot where you took down the career pack and I only found faint footprints of a male and it looked like something was being dragged behind it. I assumed it was you and I was right but before I could have a complete panic attack Effie sent the parachute and I got the paper. After I read it, I heard a scream. It was Emer's. I found him hanging by his feet in a tree. I got him down but was too late. The girl from two sent a sword through his chest. I then threw my ax and cut her head off her body. Emer told me to go find you and tell you all about him and he said that we need to tell our kids. We both know one of us must die in here and we will never get to have kids together," Adrien says. He is crying really hard now. I take all my strength and raise my hand to his face and wiped away the tears. 

"I am so sorry, you should have just let me die. If you didn't think about me Emer would still be alive," I say. 

"Hey don't say that. I love you more than anything. I would never leave you," Adrien says. I close my eyes and lay back. I start shivering and Adrien puts his hand on my head. 

"Your fever has gone up, take these fever pills, it should bring it down," Adrien says. 

"Can you take the bandages off my body, I would like to see my wounds," I say. He slowly takes them off and I see my scars and evidence of blood poisoning. I guess I make a face because Adrien looks at me curiously. 

"What's wrong?" Adrien asks. 

"Have you ever seen blood poisoning?" I ask him. 

"No, but I heard that it can get so bad without capital medicine that it could kill someone," Adrien says. 

"Well, I know a person that will die of blood poisoning," I say. 

"And who would that be?" Adrien says with a little smirk. He thinks I am fooling with him. 

"That person would be me," I say. His face goes serious. 

"What?" He asks. 

"Me, I am dying from blood poisoning at this very moment. That is why I have a fever and I think I'm hallucinating too. I see a Parachute coming from the entrance of the cave," I say. He turns his head and walks over and picks up the parachute. I wasn't hallucinating. He walks over and opens it. Inside there is a black t-shirt. It's my size. He gives it to me and the note too. 

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